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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Daryl is a silly hermit who hides out in the woods west of Zeleno, living off Boar and pond water. he always keeps his trusty crossbow close.
  2. Well, me and Eli pretty much covered the entire map in our pickup yesterday trying to gather parts(we got the parts, but died in the worst way). While driving, I thought it would be genius to butcher every song in existence. I started with What Is Love and he suggested Sandman by metallica, and we went on from there. Anyways, do you play music over long road trips? If so, what is your favorite?
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Question about graphics for SA

    ArmA 2 isn't poorly optimized, it just suffers from all that ancient code from the old Flashpoint days. Personally, I think the Standalone is what ArmA 3 should have looked like. I can't stand the lighting, it looks nothing like actual Greece. Just sort of plastic and bright, unlike the Standalone which honestly I think has better lighting. Also, if someone doesn't port standalone map to ArmA 3, I'll be angry.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Why I'm buying the Stand Alone

    I'm getting it for one reason and one reason only. MORE POST PROCESS
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Best "default" DayZ 1.8 server?

    US 635 is pretty bitchin', if you want a sweet time come swing by Zeleno for a visit. Zeleno is my town. never forget it
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Bows in Standalone

    Hello everyone, it's now possible for bows to exist in ArmA 3. While stalking ArmAholic out of boredom, I cam across an amazing achievement for the Real Virtuality engine. This guy must be pretty skilled, because he has working animations for it, made a quiver and multiple ammunition types, and gave it appropriate bullet drop. Check it out please. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22349 I wouldn't object to giving this guy credit and directly porting the scripts and model over to Standalone. Thoughts?
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Favorite roadtrip music

    Next time we find a car, I'll suggest Coco Jambo. If you haven't heard it, suggest you listen to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOrc37wNUqU
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Stand Alone Release

    I'd prefer it soon, but I can wait. Only so long ;)
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

  11. While I understand an assload of this community hasn't even touched ArmA(they should), I hope that Dean tries to stick to the Armaverse(aka, ArmA 2 campaign/universe). I'd like to think that maybe the infection started right after Operation Harvest Red, and that the infection was developed by US scientists on Chernarussian soil in return for helping them with the civil war. When they had to withdraw from Chernarus, maybe some strains of it got into the wrong hands. It'd make a nice backstory. Also, they could make FOB Manhattan up at Klen mtn. a good place for military loot. And since they're expanding outwards, why not make a border between Russisa and Chernarus? There could be a lot of wrecks of people trying to get into(or out of) the country and it'd would be pretty cool to loot it. Maybe a Russian garrison and the border gate with some exclusive loot ;) Also, the road at Kamenka leads into Miroslavl(there is actually a poorly done custom map based off of it), maybe they could create a future map of that. When you reach the end of the road, you could fast travel over to that side of the map in another server(public hive only). Anyways, just a thought.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    less drama more game talk

    Twinkies and Orlok fruits
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    "the holy book" vs. urban legends

    I had a odd feeling that this thread would turn into a vehicle for bad Evangelist jokes.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    yesterday i going fishing

    I want some sea bass. I'll hand them over to Diddums and he can give them lasers :)
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)


    I once brutally raped a group of friendly heroes who took me to their camp, offered me plenty of loot and a car. I was bored, all the more to see them suffer.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Do regular arma II servers even exist anymore?

    I tried WASP, I did not dig the lack of grass. There are, sadly, a lack of good ArmA 2 pvp servers. I don't dig domination or wasteland.
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)


    It's Christmas time, only once a year. Once year it's Christmas, and it's only once every year.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)


    I once held a party bus filled with over 13 noobs captive. they all willingly disarmed themselves, and I drove it up to Zelenogorsk to meet my bandit friends. I don't know just what they did, but it didn't take long for all the death messages to appear. They could have at least asked for the satchel...
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    All out war

    Fucks like these have never bothered to touch the only reason they're playing this mod....
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    A post about the mod

    CZ 550 and the AKM are the best. AKM for cities and airfields, CZ 550 for general traveling and sniping. Both have zeroing, incredibly common ammo, and pack a helluva punch.
  21. Well, today me and a friend were dicking around NWAF. We get ready to leave out the Northern gate, and I notice some of the countless dead CDF soldiers. Being possibly the only DayZ fan that interested in fan fiction, I decided that we needed to pay our respects to the fictional deaths of these great fictional men, serving a great fictional country. So, I went to Youtube, got the Chernarussian anthem, and played it over direct for the whole 3 minutes while me and my friend saluted the dead soldiers. It may sound geeky and otherwise unusual, but I thought it was pretty cool. Hell, I can pay my respects to the dead, pixelized or not. Anyhoo, here is the anthem. not knowing how to embed youtube videos into posts(please tell me), just click on the link and bother to listen to it. Great tune, I believe done with pianos and what sounded like an organ around the 1:50 mark. very Slavic, traditional music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQrUFdjVw1A
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Horses in DayZ?

    Horse + Standalone crafting = Glue?
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Sloviki, A New DayZ Map

    Yeah, the flood is a custom mission from the ACR expansion. Without that, you'd have to be a very craft scripter to pull it off. Sometimes I have to bring back the DayZ kiddies to earth. They get such grandiose dreams...
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Our respects to the CDF

    Now that Bohemia officially owns DayZ, it could probably take place in the armaverse. maybe we could have some super rare Razor team outfits :P I think ArmA 2 had a great campaign, far better than any first person shooter at the time. Plus, it was fun as hell. And I actually liked/cared for the characters. Voice acting...yeah. You know how it is. Enemy...to our right...100 meters...CLOSE!(and all those Czechs faking the American accent...they tried...they tried).
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Our respects to the CDF

    Defending their country of course!