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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    AKM. I was event security.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    If anyone is curious, I was the mysterious bushman who came to the fire and then sort of disappeared. I was set up in the cliffs giving overwatch. I killed half a dozen intruders, and not without justification. I had fun and it was intense. Can't vouch for the BBQ, but killing intruders was mighty enjoyable.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    I think post-Harvest Red CDF should reflect the Ukrainian National Guard/Georgian Armed Forces more than anything. A varied mix of Warsaw and second hand western equipment.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    U.S. & Russian Fed. Weapons

    Chernarus and Russia aren't exactly on good terms, considering one invaded the other, supported an insurgent group attempting to topple the government, then cock blocked the USMC out of doing anything meaningful for them.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    If you need security, I've got a relatively well armed character on the server (my main hobby is running crash site routes).
  6. Shut up. Variety means nothing. Proliferation is what matters. Once spawns are balanced, it'll be a lot more reasonable. Even now, only one in four people actually have "war weapons" (what the fuck does that even mean?). It's not as bad as you say it is. Also: Chernarus has been a warzone several times. Military weapons are a given.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What are these buildings?

    It's an office. Not a school. Office.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Since this is the Musty Hive, I may be the only bush wookie there. If there is any kind of infighting, I'm sure I'll be the first to get whacked :P
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    If you go the private route, I'd suggest Musty. A handful of forum members frequent, besides it's got very competent moderators and admins (<3 you steakums) who've got a firm grip on any kind of hackers.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Help Me Find Billboards

    TRIVIA time! That's Alexander Baranov. He's the ex prime minister of Chernarus. He was executed after insurgents took over Chernogorsk in Harvest Red. I'm full of useless shit.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What new items do you want to see In the near(ish) future?

    Light disposable anti tank/personnel weapons for destruction of light vehicles, bunkers, and fixed emplacements. Think RPG-18/22. Uniforms for each faction from ArmA 2. A light pickup truck. Fixed weapon mounts and weapon resting.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Mountain Flora uniform?

    That's a great idea actually. Isn't it the VDV that uses mountain flora? Russia has a metric fuckton of patterns, makes for a lot of variety.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    There are Zero Reasons to Use an M4

    From experience, the M4 is far more controllable in both full automatic fire and it has the option for semi (the AKM does not). It also has the option for RDS style optics, which are far superior to the basic iron sights of the AKM. And the ACOG is a lot more versatile in use than the PSO, which completely blocks your peripheral vision and can be difficult to use. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Never join this server

    Report him instead.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What's in your Zombie Survival Kit?

    Hell, I'd enlist. Snowballs chance in hell the armed forces would be overrun. free food, water, shelter, and ammunition.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?

    M16A4, baby.
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Well it's been a while...

    It's not for everyone. I really enjoy it, and I've logged a good 700 hours or so. It's a buggy mess, but it's a really fun buggy mess. It has far more potential than mod had or still has, but it's still a work in progress.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

    It's nice to know that there are other DayZ fashionistas out there like me :P I respect that you take time to make your character look the part, because when I see people with clothes that don't mix, it just bothers me. Call me weird I guess
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    You'd be surprised how many people in the states drive a manual. My Impreza is a 6 speed manual.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I have. It's quite nice actually, no traffic, decent gear and some nice scenery. Really lovely place.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Happy to say BEC is working

    I haven't necessarily played the game since it dropped. I've been sitting here masturbating to all the BAC vans. So hot.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Shit, guess the zeds really do have access to portable anti tank weapons!
  23. I think that a major rehaul of the zombies and an increase to their lethality would do far more than just plucking out all the military weapons at whim.
  24. But that doesn't make much sense when you take in the context of the lore. Chernarus= Highly militarized country. Formerly Soviet. Home to a very large parachute training base converted into a conventional airfield. Three separate wars with multiple guerilla and insurgent factions, also bordering two large and militarized countries. Strategic ally of the United States. We don't need to start ripping out the bases we have.