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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The challenge and saga of Zombie Pathfinding

    This is GREAT to come back to, as I've taken a hiatus from the community, mainly out of resentment from the complaining in the community. The new camo looks great, and our fellow CHDKZ Chedaki cosplayers will finally be properly dressed. Now us CDF cosplayers can murder you comfortably. Also, everything looks great. Most rewarding hard-on ever.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    SKS vs M4

    Alright, ever since the introduction of the SKS in the last major patch, we now have two major intermediate, medium ranged weapons, which tend to be used about equally. Because they're arguably the two most popular choices for a primary weapon, I thought I might as well compare them. In the first corner, we have the M4. It's been around since release, and it is a love and hate relationship. Attachments are plentiful. ACOG, two red dots, and two different iron sights? Nice. A variable rainbow of magazines and handguards, with the added plus of fair commonality in military bases. Seems like a solid choice, right? From my experience, it depends. First of all, I'm being blunt, it's accuracy is absolute shit. Sort of negates the need for an ACOG, when I can't hit jack diddly past 150m. Me and a friend once came under fire in the Balota ATC by two men armed with M4's, both on opposite sides of the airfield. They both emptied roughly 30 rounds, before we went prone, and another 90 while we layed down. Missed every shot. We proceeded to go downstairs and make a run for the other side of the airfield. Again, they both fired for about 30 seconds and missed terribly. They were still kicking up rounds at our feet when we got past the fence. In my mind, this is absolutely pathetic. It's also hella rare to boot, and the sight of it alone labels you as a KOS'er. And in the other corner, we have the SKS. Fairly new, it was introduced in the last major patch. Unlike the M4, it's ammo is moderately rare, and it doesn't have a whole lot of attachments. We do have the PU scope, which makes a nice medium range optic, and the bayonet, which is pretty much useless. It carries a measly ten rounds, which is still better than that of the Mosin or B95. While it lacks the accuracy of the Mosin, it still shoots better than the M4. Despite the low capacity, I can still manage to squeeze of ten rounds in a very short time. At medium range, this thing dominates. With it's improved accuracy, higher damage and range, it beats the M4 past 50 meters every time. Plus, it's not too difficult to find in military and farm settings. In my mind, the SKS is superior to the M4. While lacking the capacity and attachment choices, it still has better range, accuracy, and damage. It can even hold it's own fairly well in urban environments. So, what are your thoughts?
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Walking Dead Zombies vs 28 Days Later Zombies

    Personally, slow zombies do not scare me. They're shambling corpses who couldn't outrun my grandmother, and could be dispatched with EASE. Running zombies however, present a problem. You can't shake the fuckers without zigzagging through street corners. Even then, you'll run into another two around the bend. I remember when I was eight, when I first saw 28 days later. I was scared shitless, and from then on, walking zombies were sort of easy (to me, at least). Besides, Bohemia is going for an "authentic" bend with this. It would be more "realistic"(in the sense of, plausible, however insignificant), and Bohemia is about authenticity and realism. I say keep em'.
  4. Yep, I said it. With my experience with the new patch, the combat knife is better in my opinion than the fireaxe on zombies. I came across this revelation screwing around at the International Airfield. There it was, pristine combat knife in the ATC. Grabbed that sucker, ran outside, and went nuts on the local population. Little did I know, it was actually GOOD. It'll take two hits to the head from the front if they're aggroed, and the first knocks them down, which makes the follow up a lot easier. But a headshot from behind, non-aggroed, is a one hit kill. So this knife actually rewards stealthy gameplay. Sneak up on zombies, stab in the back of the head, and viola! Problem solved. After finding this, I dropped my unwieldy fireaxe and continued on with my new melee of choice. And that is not its only advantage. It can be used with ease in close quarters. I can't hit shit with an axe indoors, so this suits me well. Another advantage; you can HIDE it! Alright, you get held up by a loot hungry bandit. You drop your rifle, your spoils, and have nothing left but the clothes on your back. And that shiny new knife! Now, wait for him to approach to handcuff you, and stab him in the eye! So, with the .44 patch, the M9A1 Combat Knife is one of the best melee options in the game (in my opinion). Thoughts?
  5. I don't think the average person can understand or accept the concept.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    M9A1 Combat Knife: The new fireaxe

    I actually have run into two or three. One actually managed to cuff me and put a bag over my head. I sat there struggling for thirty or so minutes before I managed to break free. The other two, both ended up bleeding heavily and unconscious. They didn't think that I had a kitchen knife stowed in my pants...
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Favorite route?

    I spawn Three Valleys, then I'll head up and loot Msta and Staryoe for basic starter loot. After that, I'll take a detour through the forest west until I hit Mogilevka. I'll loot that, hopefully get a pack/gun/food/water and any other necessities, and I'll pass through Vsyhnoe and Rog. From then on, I'll cut across a few fields and meadows to reach Pustoshka, and then head through Lopatino. After that, I'll enter NW from the NW tip (lel). After getting most of the gear I can, I'll just head back south directly through to Zelenogorsk, then to kamenka, and follow the main road to Cherngorsk, where I'll try to help out players.
  8. I'd imagine it'd be useful in close quarters, where recoil doesn't really matter. Plus, I just thought it'd be a cool and authentic feature.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Small, meaningless, yet rare items

    Lucky bastard.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Would You Support A Gun Shop Loot Location?

    I love your threads. Because I can always find and excuse to discuss the lore behind Chernarus. Suprisingly, I'm not all that opposed to it. As gun spawns are a LOT less centralized than the mod, it wouldn't hurt all that much. Plus, Chernarus has a pretty sizeable hunting community. And guerrilla fighters.
  11. I'd love to see some AKMS/AKS-74 variants in the game. The Chernarussian Defense Force used both, to varying degrees (the latter by militia, the former by squad leaders). If it had an actual folding stock, I would be so giddy. As a matter of fact, we need more Chernarussian Defense Force equipment. I'm getting VERY tired of all the Western gear, and it doesn't help that the devs seem sort of non-partial to it. We need a TTSKO helmet cover, we need the flak jackets and chest rigs! Anyone else agree?
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    So the MP5K is in the files, so...

    Well... I don't know, I just want to see them stick with the lore. I know that most people don't care, but it sort of irks me they're seemingly focusing on Western weapons. Chernarus is a Eastern European country, after all.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    So the MP5K is in the files, so...

    I thought that the development team was trying to be authentic? Wouldn't the authentic thing to do would to focus on weapons that actually belong in the setting?
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Have people in this game gone insane?

    Meh, I ignore them. If someone is genuinely friendly and non-aggressive, I'll leave em be. But when they're screaming every profanity they've learn from their schoolmates at me whilst wildly swinging their fists, I go out of my way to murder them. My and two friends once tied a pair of quite nasty kids up against a gas station feed. We wasted a lot of ammo, but the end result was quite satisfying. I suggest you handle them the same.
  15. Chernarus is a bit more unique than Russia, people just compare them primarily because no one cares. The police force does not use much more than handguns. The Makarov and the CR-75 (Chernarussian clone) are standard issue pretty much. And for riot control, they just call in the defense forces. It's cheaper than equipping normal police with expensive gear. AKM's and AKS-74u's would also be a fairly realistic option. I'd hope they go this route, as I'd be terribly pissed to see nothing but Western weapons.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    I'm just slightly curious. Why hasn't the AK-74M been added yet? It's not the only thing we've seen that works yet they're holding off (a ton of stuff in the trailer: pink hoodie, binoculars, tan backpack, chainsaw, the suicide animation), but we've seen this thing several times before, in perfect working condition. They've even showed attachments for it. But for some reason or another, they're "holding it off indefinitely". Can't source the quote, but I've heard it before. Why? It has working sounds, animations and attachments. It would help add variety to the already miniscule weapon list, and would suit the lore a helluva lot better than what we're given. That reminds me, we're missing 99% of the guns that'd be realistically found in Chernarus. It'd be a great addition, and it'd compliment the AKM well in the next update. I'd like a definitive answer as to why they're holding this thing off. It'd be a great weapon to have!
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    Yes, they're from the same weapons family, but they are indeed different. The 74 uses a 5.45mm cartridge while the AKM uses 7.62x39, and they only share 50-60% similar parts. They're also twenty years apart in manufacture, and one isn't even used by most militaries any more. So yes, they are different.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    No. They have different models and they're different weapons. At no point have they indicated they changed the weapon...they're two entirely different guns anyways.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    It's okay, I didn't mean you lol. Someone told me to wait for the guns in the next patch, and that was entirely missing the point of the thread (it was a bit late). Nope. The AK-74 was shown in several devblogs, confirmed for release, then held off for no apparent reason.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    That wasn't really the point of this thread...
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Withheld weapons?

    Suicide and forestry would be a godsend. And I too agree that gun model is sexy. Then again, all the model work is sexy.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Imagine if chenarus had a living personality: let me explain

    I thought the focus was on player made interactions, and not scripted events? Besides, the country has plenty of personality and life as it is. They're adding more and more to it every day, but I think they should expand the background of the outbreak through lootable documents.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Chernarus Map Easter Egg

    That was in ArmA 2. I know these things...because I spent hours driving around by myself in the editor. No real objective. Found some lovely, lovely things. Including a sign to Miroslavl. Yeah, I'm fucking weird.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Women Clothes

    We, as manly men, are entitled to the God-given right to dress in drag! REPRESENT!