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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    I'd love to see Pobeda make a comeback.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    Amazing idea- would be awesome to see a DLC for A3 remake OFP, or even ArmA 4 return to the setting. I'd throw money at it like hell.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    Not even a smidge of discussion? No interest in lore? Is the ONLY value in this game for the k0s bullshittery for you people? I'm ashamed.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    shameless bump- some lame threads be jackin' my limelight
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    We're playing in a rural, impoverished province that is plagued with separatism, communist sympathy, and ultra-nationalistic guerillas duking it out with communist Russian separatists who commit genocide. I seriously doubt the government would make a nice airport here. Especially near "Krasnostav". (heres a hint: Krasnostav means "red headquarters" in Russian. make of it what you will ;))
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    CZ 527

    I agree. Pretty much every school shooting team in our state has nothing but CZ's. They're accurate and reasonably priced. I bucked the trend and got a Ruger :P Agree with this. Adds to the lore a bit. Buchta has even discussed in interviews before that the team is interested in expanding to the whole of the canon map, and a CR factory in Kirovograd would be fucking baller.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    Roadmap is not set in stone. It's a rough estimate. That doesn't matter though. This community is inflated with impatienct and reactionary idiots.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Mosin damage nerf

    Today, I survived a lot. I ran hell from a group of three geared players at Berenzino, who dumped about as many rounds out in my direction as there are people in Thailand. On my journey, I met up with a friend at Krasnostav. We began looting the NEAF- I entered an office, headed upstairs, and was greeted by a trigger happy camper with an M4, loaded to bear. He hit me twice, and I returned with a single .45 round to his skull, dealing him a swift and embarrassing death. However, I experienced an unusual bug- the contents of his body were not showing up. Deciding the simplest fix would be a relog, I reclogged whilst my comrade covered the door. Fixed! So we continued on our way, hungry for more gear and more action. We decided on NWAF; if it isn't full if players to kill, then it's packed with untouched loot! So we set yet again on our journey of adventure and mischief. After hearing an explosion outside Grishino, we became increasingly paranoid. The server restarted, and we set yet upon the airfield. It was decided our best course of action would be to observe the base from afar. I set up against a spruce fir in a tree line just a few hundred meters from the ATC control tower. My friend, thirsty for looted, begged for me to release him from our observation. Something was wrong, very wrong. Out the corner of my eye, I spotted movement. Two players, who looked suspiciously like dupers (they both had near identical clothing), were ransacking the ATC for treasure. I slid to the side for a better angle of fire, and recalled my trigger happy friend. They finished looting, and made course for the hangars. They began looting them, one by one. I saw a perfect window of opportunity to take them out. I asked my friend to sit behind the very last hangar, and wait for my go to attack. We would pounce the moment they set for the very last one. We both waited for our mark. They exited the fifth hangar, and I opened fire. The first one, Mosin in hand, took two direct rounds to the chest. Assuming him dead, I switched to the second man. One round connected with his shoulder, and he dived behind the sixth hangar. My friend emerged from his veil, and fired several off before being hit in the leg. They both reloaded, but my comrade was quicker. He dispatched the duping bastard, and we set upon our gracious bounty. There it was again, the damn bug! I tried both bodies, but the loot just wasn't showing up. I entered the hangar, were the first one was presumed to have been dropped. But no- he was standing there, facing the wall- as if AFK. I shot him in the back of the head, and began the process of relogging. The damn game crashed as soon as I exited, and my friend burst into panic. "He's fucking shooting you!", I was quite puzzled- the man took three Mosin rounds, even one to the head! He didn't last very long, as my friend made short work of him. I did fail to notice he wasn't bleeding, and he was probably knocked unconscious by the last round. But when does someone survive three Mosin rounds, and then wake up to kill you? Was it lag? Hacks? Did his press vest protect him (they both had press vests- bit of an indicator of duping)? Whatever it is, it was a rather odd experience. Has anyone else had a similar dilemma?
  9. Can I just play the fucking game as I like it? We have hardcore and we have regular. Stop trying to force us into something we don't want. It's fine as it is.
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Diary of a Happy Camper

    This is troll bait to the extreme...but I can't help it. I really, really want to dig an axe into your skull. These posts make you seem like the biggest uber douche in the history of DayZ. What really worries me, is that you people enjoy his stories. Shame on you.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    VR? You mean Real Virtuality?
  12. ...it isn't really a fire station! *dun dun DUN!* After doing some reading, I decided to translate the metal signs on some enterable houses, and found some interesting things. People always complained about a lack of municipal buildings, police buildings, and post offices. Truth is, WE DO HAVE THESE THINGS! The problem, however, is Bohemia found a crafty way to circumvent actually making these things. If you're observant, quite a few "houses" have these metal signs, with writing in Cyrillic and Latin, which is both Chernarussian (or Czech, if you're uncreative). I went through the agonizing process of translating Cyrillic Czech into normal Czech into English, and I found that all these signs meant something. Post office, municipality, police department, restaurant, inn, etc. Well, there was a sign on the "fire station"... It's a District Department Militia. Fancy way of saying, POLICE STATION! So, the dev team went through the unnecessary act of creating a second model for another police station, and we all had it wrong. Learn something new, didn't ya?
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    They work for Bohemia. Bohemia has an engine. It's called Real Virtuality. It's been in active development for fifteen years. That's a long time! They've released several solid titles under the engine. It can support massive terrains, accurately recreated from real world data! 10x10km, 15x15km, 20x20km, even 30x30km. I don't see a lot of other games doing that. Probably engine limitations. The current iteration has PhysX support, dynamic lighting, advanced clouds, and some of the highest fidelity textures in the business. It can support combined operations on the platoon level in multiplayer, and beyond that with AI. It has an incredibly authentic ballistics system that requires you to compensate for bullet drop. Unlike traditional engines that have first person animations, weapons, and arms represented with a separate rig generated by the engine, everything you see in first person happens in third person. Not only does this engine have extensive features, but the RV Engine has some of the highest fidelity graphics in the business. The post-processing in ArmA 2, when released, was too advanced for the majority of cards to run at highest settings above 30 fps. TERRIBLE, RIGHT? DayZ Early Access Alpha began life on the Take on Helicopters version of the RV Engine. This was released after ArmA 2, and Operation Arrowhead. Originally, standalone was intended as a basic patch up of the mod into a standalone game for some basic streamlining, much akin to Iron Front 1944. The devs decided to widen their scope, and make it something much more ambitious. A year was spent turning the RV Engine something more suitable for DayZ. This included a complete overhaul of server architecture, which took a lot of work. They have, over time, added significant changes to the RV engine. It has come to a point where it does not really resemble it's original basis, three years ago, as the RV 3.5 engine. Because of these changes, and planned changes currently in development, they have decided to rename the engine to "Infusion". Yes, generic engine name. Whatever they're trying to achieve, I'm not sure. But I trust them with it. Bohemia is a VERY experienced company, who has been around a long time. They have been very generous to what was originally a pet product, and is now sort of their cash cow (in the most sincere way, a good way). They have devoted a lot of work into the current engine. It's still in development. For them to switch down the line, would be a poor, poor decision. Oh- stop bashing RV. It's a great engine.
  14. Thanks for the clarification. I had no idea there were any rules against it, but I'll pipe up about it.
  15. I don't see anyone actively punishing me or the other hundreds of users who've ported Chernarus+ to A3.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    I'd still kill for 5.45x39. My uncle has a Polish Tantal Ak rifle. Sweet gun. I'd be vastly disappointed if they never add any 5.45 weapons. Hell, they already have a AK-74, just haven't added the damn thing yet! Edit: What I meant was overused. Every damn movie and game has a metric fuckton of western tacticool crap, and all I want is my rugged pact weaponry. Too much to ask?
  17. Port the map to A3. That simplifies the problem.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Overused and clichéd. Who doesn't love some eastern firepower?
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    All these western guns are making me cringe. What the hells wrong with you people? Well, just kidding :P If we need a civvie 5.56, my vote is on a Saiga variant. It sort of fits the setting. What we really need is 5.45x39. Stop with the western caliber bullshitting.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Devs: Use ArmA 3 content for DayZ content

    Honestly, I wouldn't really mind all that much. ArmA 3 has some lovely content, and I don't see the problem in exchanging work. A3 already has several DZ objects, why not let the A3 team return the favor?
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    WHY are the big buildings not big?

    Silence! Chernarus is GEOGRAPHICALLY based, but that's it. It's an independent country with it's own traits. Don't EVER compare it to the Czech Republic.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    What is the tower even for? I'm certain it isn't a lookout tower- I'm sure the Czech Republic has a emergency phone system. This isn't the 19th century.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    I thought that the Czech Repulic had a high standard of living (bar the massive problem with meth they have over there...)? But, I know very little of Eastern ways of doing things. We'd need someone more qualified to confirm this. I just thought that it was a police station, as there is a policeman and a police Lada in ArmA 2(strangely attached to civillians instead of branching off from CDF). But, hey. They're Bohemia! They have an odd sense of humor.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    All right. Next person to ridicule the Real Virtuality engine is going to get a lengthy reply as to why it's still a good engine. Still, they've just ripped so much out that it's barely the old engine. It's not a *new* engine, just a franken-engine. All these filthy casuals makes me nauseas. But...still. ArmA engine is a good engine.
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    Damn it Het. Damn it.