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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Small Chernarus

    It looked better in A2, and it still looks better now. You can't beat Bohemia when it comes to detail in a (very large) game world.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Where am I? New village/town not on any maps....

    It's a water treatment plant. Nasty stuff in there'
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Small Chernarus

    Chernarus still looks better. That bloom and shite AA make my eyes bleed.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New zombie type! Beware!

    That's disturbing. I'll probably end up emptying a magazine or two into these bastards before I learn better.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

  6. Foregrips shouldn't do anything. They should be entirely cosmetic. Any other solution would be too "gamey". Besides. I want my pact weapons and I want them now. The mall ninja bandits make my skin itch. I just want my simple AK-74. Is it too much to ask? No. It isn't.
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Your first kill

    Title says all. What was your first kill like? Was it a traumatic experience? What was the motivation? Do you feel guilty about it? I spawned in Komarovo, hungry for loot and itching to regroup with my friends. Looking through the abandoned village, I found something I had yet to lay hands on- a hatchet! I was set for life, nothing could stop me. After scouring for food and drink, I set off to Balota, to meet with my closest ally (Skat3rat, some older forumites might recognise him ;)). Unfortunately, he found himself in a shitty situation. Five newspawns, with bats, knives, and extinguishers in hand, had cornered him in a house. They taunted him, and demanded him to surrender. I wouldn't have any of it. I rushed to Balota, to assist my friend in need. I rushed across open fields, determined to stop these ruthless thugs, at any and all costs. Hatchet in tow, I prepared myself for a difficult fight. Across the field, I saw them outside his hiding place- five of them, just like he said. I jumped over the fence, and took a running swing at the bat wielding man. He went down, blood spurting. A resounding "Oh shit!" came from the assailants, and I prepared for more bloodshed. The knife wielder came running, and swung at my side. I sidestepped him, and dug my hatchet into his back. He kept running, and attempted to bandage his fallen comrade. Before I could finish him off, the remaining three charged me. I took a hit from a fire extinguisher, and shrugged it off with ease. I raised my weapon, blocking their poorly managed hits. I flanked left, and struck down a thug armed with a machete. The fire extinguisher man screamed over chat, and rushed to avenge his fallen friend. I buried my hatchet into his skull, and he fell down dead. The knife man came back for more, and got one hit on me before falling prey to my blood hungry rage. There remain one thug, who was unarmed. I turn to face him, and he runs for dear life. Instead of chasing him, I come to finish off the bat man. He is frantically crawling away, spurting blood out his back. I walk up, and finish him off with a single hit. "WANT ANY MORE?" I scream to the sole survivor. He doesn't answer- preoccupied with escape. I regroup with my brother, and we set off to the airfield, in search of more treasure
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I'd kill for a way to voice our disappointment without having to resort to Reddit. It's quite an unusual that we have suggestions, yet no soul attached to the development team would even bother with the suggestions. (They might, correct me if I wrong, but I feel like they want nothing to do with forums. Something about that upvote/downvote bullshittery. Apology for the parenthetical-ness of my posts. Just how I roll B) )
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Isn't difficult and varied loot a good thing? I know that most of the playerbase want an easy game...but I thought we were striving for a hardcore experience? Isn't it essential to that experience that you find things you don't before things you do? Not just stumble into whatever you want on a dime?
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    To quote Torchia- "So if we add a Makarov pistol, its going to simply fire 9mmP instead 9mmM. If we add an AK74, it'll fire 5.56mm, not 5.45mm. Thats why I haven't added those in. Those of us who are real gun nuts would revolt (but I have a feeling the wider community dosn't give a crap as long as it looks cool :) )" This is Bohemia, a company who develops realistic games. And a prominent member of the DayZ development team has come right out and said "We're going to be lazy with weapons, because we think people don't care". What the actual fuck? I'm usually pretty supportive of the team, but this seems rather disturbing. Also- AK-74 is my favorite gun ever, so I am a bit biased. If they don't add it, I will be vocal. Same with the Makarov. Are you okay with this? Yes? No? Why?
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    [Virtual Tour] Novodmitrovsk

    Those unenterable buildings that you referred to aren't actually new, they're in Chernogorsk too and have been there since ArmA 2.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Actual Super Market

    Actually, Chernarus is a pro-western democracy.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Attack choppers? We're talking about transport helicopters with MMG's mounted to the side. Whole different animal to an "attack chopper". No guided missiles, rockets, or cannons here.
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Oh. So helicopters can't exist outside a military sim? I had no idea. Thanks for the enlightenment.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Actual Super Market

    High tech? Is an AKM high tech? That's fifty years behind current standards. The M4's and FNX's are here because of UN intervention. I doubt they brought shopping malls with them either.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    1. Take good care of your character- eat anything nutritious you find and can open- avoid fruit and soda, these are an absolute waste of time. Try to focus on canned foods like beans, sardines, and the tac bacon. Rice and cereal should be avoided, as it is detrimental towards your thirst. Carry a canteen or water bottle, and fill up on water at every chance you get. 2. Don't skyline. Only new players and morons run across open fields. Stick to treelines, small creeks & valleys when travelling countryside, and avoid running on roads by taking alleys in large cities. 3. Scan before looting (or shooting, for that matter :P). It never hurt anyone to take a knee and watch an area before looting it. This might lessen the chances of a surprise encounter, which is always the worst kind. 4. Pack simple weapons. Don't just pick something up because it 'looks cool'. Practicality bumps necessity. Most people don't KoS unarmed/melee armed players if they keep a reasonable distance. Just avoid picking up poor firearms (aka; shotgun, Blaze), and focus on the most practical of armaments- the Mosin, AK, and SKS. 5. Explore! Don't just bottle up in the NE, go out and find your own adventure. Travelling is half the fun, am I right? ;)
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Actual Super Market

  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    [POLL] Which would you rather have more of?

    I'd love to see a westward expansion of Chernarus, into Miroslavl' or Primorsk. ORRRRRR the OFP islands. Kolgujev, Nogovoa, Malden, Everon, it would be awesome. Wouldn't it?
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Damn, that thing is ugly. Why do people just throw rails on everything? You're not going to fit something on ALL of those rails...
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Agreed. MANPADS are a must. I have a massive hard on for the Igla and Strela series.
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    In the long term, I think helicopters would add a lot to the game. With barricading coming soon, some groups will stick to hidden stashes in the woods (like the mod), while others may fortify single and small groups of houses, and even smaller isolated villages. I'm sure these groups would pursue resources- fuel, ammo, food, water, and yes vehicles. At least one group should have dominance over the server, and that'd provide incentive to other groups and singular players to build up resources. Once this happens, fortified towns would pop up. Factions among servers would form, and these "groups" would become much more militarized. Damn, I just creamed my pants. Well, that's my hope, anyways. I hear all this talk about "no! we can't have this/that, it'd ruin survival!". Whatever. The apocalypse wouldn't last all that long- townships, trading cities, and remnants of the previous government would arise to dominate the wasteland. Sounds pretty exciting to me, not sure why it doesn't to you. To be fair, I'm not very much bothered by the idea of MANPADS, AT weapons, and light armored vehicles being implemented. As long as they're sufficiently difficult to find and maintain.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Biggest Douche Bags

    The fact that people enjoy sadistic acts, game or not, is still disturbing. By the same clause, you could kidnap a group of newspawns. Tie them up, cover their heads, rape them, poison them and leave them for the dead. Funny, right? Game or not, it's still a sadistic act of unwarranted violence. I don't care what kind of person you are, that's still fundamentally fucked up. And yes- I have seen those five things happen- in order and alone. I'm not advocating censorship, just claiming that people who do these things are screwed up in the head.
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Biggest Douche Bags

    I'm not asking for prevention- I'm just curious to what kind of sick fuck enjoys that kind of thing. Game or not, it's still pretty fucked up. Besides, I enjoy ending these people.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Pre-Outbreak Chernarus

    Chernarus Lore and backstory on the standalone is rather obscure. The majority of players aren't aware of the history behind Chernarus, but I wish to clear some of this up. A few members have already wrote wonderful fan fiction on the lore (Skate3rats outbreak story and Katana67's outbreak log are two good examples, I suggest you search them up ;) ). This is not new lore. This is all official backstory, with a shred of speculation thrown in there. Before I start, concerning questions about the history- yes, it is ArmAverse material. Torchia confirmed that the backstory of Chernarus+ rides the back of ArmA 2, so it is safe to assume that all lore follows this pattern until a parting date (2012-2035). So yes- ArmA 2 is canon. Bite me, mein freund. The History of Chernarus We play in the Northern Province of the Republic of Chernarus (Černarus). Referred to as South Zagoria by the Russian minority, it was ruled by the Moscow Principate, divided from the mainland Chernarus by the Burnaya river valleys. The very first settlements date back to 5th Century B.C. When the valleys of the Burnaya and Svetlaya rivers were inhabited by Skyth tribes and nomads, who later formed the Takmyr and Karzeg nations (aka; Takistan). The center of modern Chernarus had been founded in the delta of the Burnaya River. The Slavic population constantly had to fight off the raiders from the southwest, so it was traditionally bound with Russia, but always kept its independence. In the 12th Century it was controlled by dukes, in the 13th century it was united by Taras Kozub. The Kozub dynasty ruled until 1631, when Chernarus joined the Russian empire. After the revolution in 1917 Chernarus became an autonomic federal republic, after the demise of the USSR in 1991 it gained independence. The Devils (Kozlovo), Rog, and Zub castles were built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century by Duke Ivan Kozlov, for the means of protecting important roads and grounds, and were often attacked from the sea and by northern neighbors. The Pik Kozlova above Chernogorsk was named after this duke, who is considered the founder of the first Chernarussian state. On the peak above the city there used to stand a warning post which protected the local provinces from pirate raids. The former Kozlovo Castle, now referred to as Devil's Castle, was supposedly inhabited by the yeoman Jakub Čert (Devil) from Gorka. His bandit campaigns started here at the castle. He enlarged the keep of the castle, using the loot from these raids and the castle holds his name to this day. According to legend, the Devil's Castle was burned down during the Zagorian Karzeg rebellion, Jakub Čert burned in the castle's main tower after he refused to surrender to Ataman Simurg. Only burned walls remain of the castle, supposedly haunted by the spirit of Ivan Kozlov. After WWII, the small Red Army airport in the Northern province, designated for parachute training, grew and evolved into a air base with large military surroundings. In the border mountains there are a few former bases. After the regaining of independence, the Chernarussian Army took over these military bases. After regaining control of these outposts, there was a lack of funds needed for security and maintenance; the condition of these bases became even worse because of the fighting between the regular army and rebel units who were using a number of these bases as their foot-holds. For the fast growing industrial production in the second half of the 20th century, the electricity inflow conducted by land from the west was insufficient; also the basic infrastructure of gravel roads was inconvenient. Yearly floods, created from the melting snow were constantly threatening the coastal railroad, built for the purpose of transporting cargo from Chernogorsk to the industrial centers. This was the only secure connection during the long-lasting rains. In the 70's it was decided to build a motorway infrastructure and also construct a number of waterworks, which would not only reduce the yearly floods, but also allow the generation of electricity from owned sources. The results of this effort are mainly the Pobeda Dam, a number of flood barriers on the main traffic artery leading from Chernogorsk along the coast to Berezin, and of course the great hydro-electric power plant near Elektrozavodsko, and the main coastal highway, which runs from Novigrad and back, following most of the country's border. The largest city and capital of Chernarus is Novigrad, notable for its large river delta, harbor, and connecting river system. Second it is Kirovograd, a riverside city notable for the Cernaruska Zbrojovka weapon factory, producer of the CR-75 and licensed AK-series rifles. Thirdly is Miroslavl, another prominent coastal hub, and the closest major city to Chernogorsk. Chernogorsk is the largest city and administrative city of the Northern Province. What was originally a small fisherman's village quickly grew into a city thanks to the intensive industrialization of the Chernarussian Autonomic Republic, which began in the 50's of the previous century. Chernogorsk has always been a harbor town, once connected to northern trade routes, now a place through which the raw materials flow to Elektrozavodsk. By the decision of the Soviet Union's government, not only Chernogorsk, but also other fairly undeveloped cities of the Northern Province were supposed to change to the symbol of industrial advancement. The price for urbanization and industrialization was the environmental damage of the coastal areas. The local village population was rooted out and forced to live an urban life, or moved to the northern Kolkhozs. This fact reflects not only in the fast-engineered infrastructure and generic apartment block style housing developments, but also in the architectural spirit of socialistic realism. The dominants of the cities then aren't the historical centers, but industrial zones, lime-kiln and the buildings of long abandoned factories. Despite the industrialization and the devastation of the coast, the Northern Province was proud of its untouched wild nature and idyllic agriculture countryside. Mostly because of the highland character of the North East part of the country, this was unsuitable for either industrial production or for collective agriculture. A large part of the northern area is covered by coniferous or mixed forests, known as the Black forests because of their depth and inviolateness. The unique moors on the table-side Dičina on the south of the Vybor is also worth mentioning. In the scientific view the area around the Blunt rocks is very precious: rock formations with the remains of a glacial lake from ice age times. The southern part of the Northern Province suffered through thoughtless construction, so that the original coastal fauna and flora can only be found sporadically, mostly aside the mainland. The best known such place is the Skalistý Island, which during the start of the 90's was declared a nature preserve within the frame of the newly declared Zagorie Protected Natural Area. The people of Chernarus were divided by the civil strife that had plagued the country for decades. The majority of citizens were of Chernarussian nationality, who identified with their own unique language and culture. There was, however, a sizeable Russian minority within the country, who sought closer ties with the Russian Federation, or possible re-integration, and even complete independence of the Northern Province (South Zagoria). What followed, was two decades of civil and ethnic strife. In 1993, a worker of the Solinchiny quarry, named Andrej Lopotev, formed the ChDKZ alongside Nikola Bardak, with the original intention of representing the quarry workers of South Zagoria. It quickly drew support from the Russian minority, and grew especially in the Northern Province. In 1995, Lopotev and Bardak organized a riot in the administrative capital of Chernogorsk. After several dead and many hundred injured, the democratic government started to suppress the activities of the party. From there, the first Chernaurssian civil war began. The conflict was short, and the Western backed government squashed the insurgent forces. The ChDKZ still remained as a legitimate party in Chernarus until 2007, when it was banned by the Chernarussian government. In retaliation, insurgents began coordinated attacks in the Northern Province, now with the agenda of complete independence of South Zagoria. They were repelled, and retreated into hiding along the Russian border. CDF forces would not risk chasing insurgents across the border, so the insurgent forces were free to smuggle arms and armor from Russia. They embarked on a large offensive in 2009. Quickly taking control of the rural province, they proceeded to corner the remaining CDF forces in Zelengorsk, Utes, and outside the province. The Chernarussian Prime Minister, Alexander Baranov (http://i.imgur.com/h9UROcn.jpg AKA; pedo stache billboard guy), was captured while on a visit to the city of Cherngorsk. After executing the prime minister on live television, the Chedaki (as nicknamed by the Chernarussian opposition) pushed to Utes island, and slaughtered the over stretched and supply starved forces. What followed was an intervention by NATO forces, lead by the 27th MEU. During the conflict, the Nationalist party rose to prominence among the disgruntled ethnic Chernarussians living in South Zagoria. Enraged by the slaughter of ethnic Chernarussians, and the inability of the government to control the advance of ChDKZ, these angered youth and village folk took up arms to defeat the insurgency themselves. Plagued by frothing ultra-nationalism and xenophobia of foreign "pigs", the hardline wing of the NAPA party refused to cooperate with USMC and CDF forces. After their extremist guerilla leader "Fyodor" was killed, the USMC, CDF, and NAPA began working together to defeat the insurgent forces. And, in the end, Chernarus and her allies would rain supreme, regaining control of the Northern Province. After the long and bloody conflict, things returned to normal. With the leaders of the ChDKZ dead, and the country in shambles, it was a time of peace and rebuilding. Three years later, the CDF would commit a contingent of UN Peacekeepers to assist with the NATO invasion of Takistan. The Bardak brand of beer would grow to prominence in Europe, known for it's cheap price and good quality. Chernarus, once again peaceful, would become another sleepy, backwards Ruritainia, and a cheap destination for sight seeking tourists. Until the infection struck. And it began... Yeah...enjoy! Took a while to make, I guess I was bored. Orrrrrr- feverishly obsessed with making you casual filth accept it! NYEHHHHH just kiddin'
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Biggest Douche Bags

    When has being a sadistic murderer been excused by it being a game? The fact that people willingly enjoy this is crossing the line...