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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    The ArmAverse is a alternate universe. I'd assume the Green Sea is a Casipan analogue, but there are other circumstances applied to it. At some time in history, Chernarus was a Principate of the Bohemian Kingdom some time after the fall of the Roman Empire. Which is pretty generous, but that's Word of God.
  2. I support the addition of MANPADS. Your arguments against this are invalid.
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    :emptycan: Hmmm, nope? It's based on the geography of the area surrounding Usti Nad Labem, but it's not the area itself. Chernarus is a fictional sovereign country, on a fictional sea, bordered by fictional nations in a fictional universe. I will NOT stop replying to these posts, until the whole of the community gets this. It's a little thing, but it irks me so much.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    It was in the release trailer. It's a 1st person view of someone shooting a female player, and when she falls over you see the distinctive shape of a vest and MOLLE patterns. Looks just like it.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    Why isn't in the game already? It was in the release trailer for christsake...
  6. Alright, so I've been a pretty vocal complainer about the whole ammunition debacle. After doing some more reading, I stumbled across a post that changed my mind a bit, and let me understand what they're trying to accomplish with this. Do I agree with it wholeheartedly? Nope. Mostly? Yeah, I guess. Here is the quote for reference; "We're not against adding more calibers but the team feels strongly we should avoid confusion of casual players. This means we can achieve the same effect on gameplay that dilution of the ammo pool would accomplish without adding in more 7.62s, and more 9mm's. 380Auto has performance characteristics more similar to the 9mmM than 9mmP but has several advantages 1) avoids confusion 2) allow for the addition of many iconic firearms such as Makarov, RAK, PPK, MAC10, Scorpion 3) sets a precedent which might allow us to do the same with 7.62 (think .308 Win instead of 7.62x51). " - Scubaman3D Alright. I can see where you're coming from on one angle- the less calibers per weapon, the easier and more pragmatic weapon development is. Shure, more calibers would mean rarer ammunition, which I'd LOVE to see...but that's sort of a crapshoot because people complain. But then he mentions that they're trying to avoid confusion of casual players. Huh? I thought DayZ was marketed as a "hardcore survival game"? I look at the reviews, the media, hell, even the store page. It's always been marketed as a hardcore survival game with a steep learning curve. Now, is the average "casual player" stupid enough to confuse ammunition? And even then, isn't it part of the learning curve? I'm sure I' mistaken a few AKM mags for 74 mags way back when I first started the mod, but isn't that part of the experience? You should learn from your mistakes, not have the developers make it easier for you. Doesn't the average person check the ammo before putting it into the gun? "Hmmm, this is 9x19 Parabellum, this here Bizon uses 9x18, I don't think it fits!", and not just stubbornly trying to jam it in there with no result? This raised some questions for me. Are they trying to make the game easier? Are they trying make it easier for the art team to make weapons? What exactly does this accomplish? And what will it take for me to make them add the AK-74?
  7. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    Appearance is a big issue. I generally assume anyone with even a mild fashion sense is probably more likely to be concerned over trivial things instead of the space for lootz and being the ub3rPl0xsn1pp3r's that I come to expect with all the stupid and mismatching gear that this senseless community loves. I'll tolerate anyone who dresses like a sane person. People think I'm KOS, I'm really not. I just hate the stupid things people wear in this game.
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    The disease itself is a Prion based one, proteins inside your brain being corrupted by a viral infection. It was confirmed by Rocket a while ago, wish I could find the post. I'd assume that the zombies are just blatant expies of the 28 Days variant, but I like that. That movie scared the shit out of me.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    When did they make DayZ look so awful?

    BIS is slowly, but surely, transforming DayZ. In two months time, the game will look just like ArmA 2. In a year, Armed Assault. And in three more years, the game will made its final metamorphism into Operation Flashpoint. And hellfire will be rained upon Codemasters headquarters. HAIL TO ŠPANEL
  10. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What clothes do you wear for fashion alone.

    I've got a massive woodie for CDF gear. TTSKO, CDF beret, hunting pack and the AK. Tasty.
  11. I once hacked up an armed bandit group to bits, camping out the Elektro powerstation. With a fireaxe. They shot me once. Not one of them survived.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What clothes do you wear for fashion alone.

    I respect you, because your clothes match and you don't have a motorbike helmet. Definitely the crafted backpack, the checkered shirts, and shoes. If it doesn't match, I don't pick it up.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    American compounds in Chernarus

    I still think we need more CDF equipment. By release, I want to become the Remnant. An arm of an Vestigial empire of sorts, arrying out the functions of the old government on our accords. We'd have trucks, and guns. And we'd arrest undesirables. And execute the Bolshevik scum with the ChDKZ beret. Slava Chernaya!
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ is far more optimized than you think tbh...

    DayZ is weird for me. My home rig has an FX 8320 and an 7870 AMD card. I max most GPU intensive games on the market, but ArmA and DayZ don't get along with it very well. My second PC has an i5 2400 quad core and a GTX 650. Guess what runs it better? The second PC. That REALLY suprised me, as the 8320 trumps the 2400 in EVERYTHING. I don't really know what the deal is. But I live with it. Oh- another thing. The RV Engine hating is really unwarranted. I can max original A2 and have playable FPS (40-50), yet I can only squeeze 30-35 on the same settings in OA. Strange, huh? But the RV engine is good at so many things, like scale, ballistic simulation, even the texture and poly count isn't too shobby for something from 2009. Besides, most people come to this game expecting sixty frames on max settings. In reality, most of these people have VERY mediocre rigs. Seriously, upgrade your computer.
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Burlap bonehead

    The mocking gets old. What do people see in these "stories".
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Message to UN Clan

    Easy- call for a binding resolution, and bury them in HELLFIREEEEE!
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    I hate this community for so many things. They jump to conclusions too fast, they assume what obviously isn't, and they lose faith in Alpha. It's been seven months. That is NOTHING in development time. It took several YEARS to develop ambitious games like Fallout. DayZ is an ambitious game, and it's been in development, for what, a year and a half? Stop assuming things. Every road has it's fair share of bumps, and there will be more bugs and issues. But these things can be fixed. So- stop jumping to conclusions. If I could take beans away, I would. This a waste of collective effort from the community. :emptycan: Shame.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Discussion etiquette on these forums

    I think everyone is just a bit too reactionary. I get a lot "all for me, or not at all" vibes when we have opposing arguments. Then we have the MASSIVE divide between genuine problems with the games and idiots who have no idea what they're talking about. And those who forget they're buying into an alpha. It's easy to blame the mass of new players, as the playerbase has doubled since the mod. And I will, because quality has taken a massive hit since then. I don't generally bother with newcomers who did not play the mod, as they really don't understand what DayZ is about and what it actually is. Not like they're all that way, but the mast majority is. It's kind of sad how the forum is, when I think about it.
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Me and a few friends rounded up some freshspawns near Solinchiny. We made grand promises of Mosins, rice, and Taloon packs galore! We eventually picked up about eight of them, and we decided eight was enough to kick off the operation. We stopped at the gas station. "Our friend with the loot will meet us here," I falsely promised. None of the newspawns were armed, so we took advantage of what little time we had. "SHOOT THE LEGS!" I demanded, to my comrades. The newspawns dropped to the ground, squealing in pain and anger. We tied them up, making sure they would not escape. Finally, we took position. "FIRE!" I yelled, and we emptied our weapons into each of the fuel dispensers. And with that, they were all doomed to a fiery death. Don't really regret it all that much, tbh.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    First things first- our characters don't have backgrounds. We can be whatever we fancy. It's called "roleplay", and it's some silly thing people ignore in favor of Berezino deathmatch. If I want to be a random joe, shure! If I want to be trained military personnel, why not! No game mechanic prevents me from doing so. Rare military loot and vehicles should not be a problem of know-how, but of rarity, maintenance, and competition. Yes- you can go to your little shack in the woods, hunt rabbits, and be a peckerwood on your own account. Doesn't mean the game shouldn't also support teamplay! A armed chopper would be incredibly rare, difficult to maintain, and SOUGHT by every other loose organisation. I've said before- factions should develop. After the apocalypse, people would band together, and attempt to control whats left. Why not encourage it, by rewarding sucessful team gameplay with an edge over less competent and organised groups. thats wot i think
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ slave trade?

    Me and a few friends reenacted the river scene from Deliverance after finding a few friendly players. It wasn't very pretty. RP is fun though.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    This is unbelievable....

    Obviously the your outlet- get a surge protector. That'll solve problems (probably- I'm no expert).
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Chernarus++: No area left behind!

    Ivan Buchta explained it pretty well; if they made the map nothing but a bun Dams. It gets power from one of the (multiple) dams. I'd like this. And more Marine gear. I want my MARPAT Kumnyra. It's SW of Guglovo, nightmarish little place destroyed in the civil war. Don't go there at night, it spawns a shit-ton of zombies. and M16A4. Listen OP, I understand what you mean. But we don't need a map full of tourist attractions. Not everything is interesting- we're playing in the poorest, most rural province of an already poor country. Besides, it's not been too long since SHTF chronologically. Even Ivan Buchta, the creator of original Chernarus and primary designer behind Chernarus+, said he wants some interesting places and some boring places. Currently, I think the middle of the map should be kept relatively rural, so they don't overdevelop it.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    I've noticed that thrown items in exp travel a lot smoother.
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    How is hardcore mode different?

    Aw, just 1st person. And elitists who wish to force 3pp users to play their way, whether they want to or not.