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Cap'n (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cap'n (DayZ)

  1. Cap'n (DayZ)


    It was Michael, George, and Steven. Me and skat3 were all for interaction, but the other three shot everything that moved. But just don't bring up the whole fiasco with the Volga Limo's and satchels.
  2. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Survival and BRM can exist. People just can't accept the idea of an armored anything in the game. And accusing me of patrolling the coast killing newspawns? What the fuck, dude? I support a more difficult game. Seriously though, how did you make that connection?
  3. Cap'n (DayZ)


    These things *aren't* hard to operate, as Dale pointed out. They were designed to be operated by mediocrely trained conscripts pulled from farming families, and don't require a GED of any sort. Their FCS and armament is incredibly outdated, and it's a design dating back to the late 60's. The armor is paper thin, and has been known to be penetrated by 12.7 and 7.62mm rounds, as well as being incredibly easy to set on fire. This is probably the LEAST overpowered tracked vehicle I can think of, and the majority of your criticisms are bias and uneducated assumptions. If a resource starved African militia can operate this thing, who is to say that us survivors can't? No one but Bohemia, because you people have ZERO authority on deciding what our survivors can and can't do. Besides, most of you missed the point. Instead, you read the title, and jumped to complain. It's not like you'd see these things regularly, probably not at all, being justifiably rare once loot economy shows up. Reminder: Military vehicles don't "disappear" when the apocalypse hits.
  4. Cap'n (DayZ)

    September Rant Topic.

    So anyone that disagrees with you is "butthurt"? Flawless logic.
  5. Cap'n (DayZ)

    The most inspirational DayZ GamePlay Concept [VIDEO]

    Feels like a console port. Also, I don't think helmets work like that... :emptycan: for being unrealistic.
  6. Cap'n (DayZ)

    "Special build" at PAX Prime?

    Sometimes, I can't really tell if you truly are an idiot, or a really convincing troll.
  7. Alright, I'll admit that I've been a pretty big backer of keeping 3pp. But a couple of months ago, I tried a 1st locked server. And, surprisingly, I enjoyed. Now, I play on and off 1st/3rd. 1st for my lonely stealth times, and 3rd for the buddies that have some aversion to it (aka; all my friends). This morning, I decided to hop on a 1st person Exp server, and loot up a bit. All I had was a improvised bow, a handful of arrows, some assorted survival equipment and such. I was within jogging distance of the International airport, so it was first choice for loot. Upon entering, I headed for the tents. I assumed it was the safest looting place among the airfield, and this was a full server. In and out, quickly. That would be the best way to tackle it. Being the sneaky little shit I am, I took a long but mostly wooded and out of the way path towards the edge of the airfield. I loaded my bow, but kept it on my back. It is not a defensive weapon, but a stealthy one that requires extensive sneaking to get within range of a target. I weighed the risk, and decided it was simply safer to risk the goodwill of strangers by carrying nothing. Besides, the vast majority of the community are terrible shots. I could simply retreat to the outer wall and on to the forest if need be. It was raining pretty hard, but luckily I had a Gorka shirt to keep me dry. The idea of campers and kos freaks dying of hypothermia made me quite happy, seeing as I'm more of a survivalist type. I searched two small sand bunkers and a larger one near the road. They were filled to the brim with clothes and vests. This worried me, as it meant someone had looted the other end of the airfield and caused more loot to spawn here as a result. Quickly forgetting this, I set upon the riches of tent city. By some margin of luck, I decided to pillage the large sandbag fortress within the base. It too was filled with clothes and ammo, but these were unnecessary. I climbed the ladder, picked up a PM handgun. Something moved in my peripheral vision. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/67873315937006638/5FC4F37604298BBD5293905F5271A8375B7AE9D8/ If you can't see him, it's okay. I have no idea how I saw the guy, but the eyes are attracted to movement. About fifty meters ahead of me, this tovarisch was looting my tents. Naturally, this worried me. What were his intentions? Food? Guns? Waterproof clothing? Well, it didn't matter. This is the North fucking West airfield, and comrade tovarisch here would probably unscrew my head at first chance. I pulled out my binoculars to get a better look. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/67873315937002510/8D987021CAF1BF523A66EE1BA672A01E4DA61BDD/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/67873315937011491/297A238DE934AAE9A751AAAA6AAD395ED23334D3/ This guy was geared. SKS, hunting pack, Partizan camouflage, and full Smersh vest. With that goldmine of clothing accessories, he probably isn't looking for a friendly game of patty cake. But what really bothered me, was his lack of awareness. Seriously, he looked directly at me several times. I was prone, peeking out from an open sandbag tower. And shortly after, I moved to the guard tower on the gate. He looked in my direction twice more, and still didn't seem the least worried. As soon as he finished ransacking FOB "Fuckoff" (our nickname for tent city), he made a b-line for the motherfucking tree line. I made suite, and followed my newfound foe to forest. He stopped, and by mistake, I ran ahead of him. I dived prone, and prayed to Jehovah that mister comrade tosvarich here didn't spot my Bear Grylls ass. And he ran directly over me, like half a meter. Didn't even hear me hastily shuffling for the closest pine fur. Nope, just made straight towards the bright blue hangar things. I let out an audible "wut?". After taking WAY too long to loot the two blue storage hangar things, he headed for the lonely tent. I've had enough of watching this guy run around. I loaded my bow, and sneakily approached the tent. I rolled to the side, probably looking like a complete idiot, and then slowly shuffled towards the door. I readied myself, shoveling another handful of crackers covered in humus into my gape. I peeked around the corner, and he was hunched over a uncharacteristically large pile of mountain packs. For giggles, I yelled "Surprise!" in direct. He beings to turn, but alas, is too late. A streaming white arrow flies across the room, connecting with his jugular, and ending his life as quickly as it began. I surveyed the pillage; smersh and pristine Gorka. What an idiot... This has peaked my interest. Is everyone really this unaware of their surrounding. I made several pretty large mistakes that anyone in freelook paying attention to the game might have picked up on. It's just rather odd that I avoided this guys attention so easily, only for him to be ended by arguably the worst weapon in the game. Anyone else experience anything similar?
  8. Cap'n (DayZ)


    Meh, I prefer the realistic bent we have now. I think a Central European map, something along the lines of Germany/Poland, would be far more interesting.
  9. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Another experiment

    Wow, I had no idea you people were so hostile. Seeing all these threads complaining about the anti-socialness, I'd say a good lot of you might by hypocrites... Oh well. Once there is a reliable way of knocking people out without too high a risk of death, I plan on trying to rehabilitate the masses. By handcuffing them, and forcing water down their throats until they puke. But really, it kind of worries me how little people want to interact. Seems like you'd forget that there even was a direct chat, too busy shooting people trying to cure their dehydration at a well for their flashlight. stupid fucks...
  10. I had no idea there were Malaysian weapons in the game. Must've escaped me while reading the changelogs... In all seriousness, this game isn't meant for a controller. The key combinations are vastly too complicated, and your accuracy will suffer dearly. I suggest you stick with key and mouse, tosvarich.
  11. Cap'n (DayZ)

    You are Dead at the N W A F Fire station tower

    You can damage clothes/break legs in the tower, but never have I died for no reason in it. You were sniped; most times, the round will hit you before you hear the report of the rifle. This is carried over from ArmA.
  12. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Weapon Preferences

    I generally run the AK-101/AKM, as the M4 is too rare to justify it's use. But I prefer the 101, as the improved accuracy and the relative commonality of magazines (my HC char has like 4). Mosin and SKS are weapons of chance, I'll generally forsake them once I have the necessary supplies for an assault rifle.
  13. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What "End Game Gear" Should Theoretically Be Like At Release

    In the end, the caliber issue doesn't break the game for me. It's just painful to swallow, partly because it's so uncharacteristic of Bohemia to pull this kind of thing. Does it ruin the game? No. I can partly understand avoiding obscure calibers, but 5.45 and 7.62x45r aren't obscure, if anything, they're heavily prolific. You can understand where I come from, right?
  14. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What "End Game Gear" Should Theoretically Be Like At Release

    Every time you mention the 7.62 versions of 5.45 weapons, I die inside. Why? Because these things are mostly just variants that have never really seen extensive use, and wouldn't make the least sense. ESPECIALLY the AKMSU. I despise the idea of comprise for a simple problem that arose because, apparently, the lowest common denominator consists of people who frequently forget how to read. 5.45 is heavily widespread in former PACT and CIS area. Would it be too hard to just implement the damn thing?
  15. Cap'n (DayZ)

    POLL: What if DayZ was made by a different company?

    In my humble opinion, only Bohemia could pull something off like this. Whether you like it or not, Real Virtuality is the only real game engine that can support this kind of scale with a very complex world. You can say it isn't RV anymore, but that's like saying that Dunia isn't Cryengine. Shure, it's a branchoff- but the engines will be inherently similar. Seeing as DayZ breakthroughs are being implemented into A3 quite often (just check A3 changelogs), the games will probably still be pretty similar even after full release. You can't beat Bohemia on ballistic simulation. You still can't beat Bohemia on texture quality; all those beautiful models aren't generated separately from normal world models like Cryengine and Unreal, they're actually that detailed. Operation Flashpoint was an innovative game and probably one of the best shooters ever made. ArmA 2 is also, arguably, one of the best shooters ever made (yes, it is a shooter, not a sim). I can say with confidence that we can trust BIS. They're a reliable company that doesn't bullshit it's customers, and have made some excellent games in their fifteen years of existence. Anything else would probably be repetitive, arcadey, or focus on the wrong things. It's a godsend Bohemia took the standalone under its wings.
  16. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Keep fit an hook up with the sweet sweet ladies of Chernarus

    I can't imagine the horrible things you've just contracted. Great vid, by the way.
  17. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Dayz Debacle

    I'm fed up with the utter cynicism and bullshit that has infected this forum.
  18. Cap'n (DayZ)

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    It's a fashion thing. The damned thing doesn't match anything!
  19. Cap'n (DayZ)

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    I stick to the hunter pack, as I'm usually running a well kempt and obsessively uniform outfit. Like, I only wear the red beret with the Partizan camo, and CDF beret with TTSKO. I will however, stick to improvised packs when running a minimalist and starter gear. My favorite is the new large leather pack, and it looks quite lovely. I avoid the Taloon, as it sticks out like a skinhead in a gay pride parade. Oh, and one thing. The Mountain pack is the object of greedy, overzealous scrubs. Seriously, I lose a lot of respect to anyone that *likes* that piece of utter shite.
  20. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Private Bandit Hunter and Investigator (Needs Jobs)

    Irish, I'm coming for you...
  21. Cap'n (DayZ)

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    At this point, a PK chambered in 7.62x51. I'd also like to see the addition of gun mounted grenade launchers and improvised grenades soon.
  22. Cap'n (DayZ)

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    Hey, I enjoy helping out strangers and friendly interaction with others. Rampant banditry has pretty much killed all chance of meeting anyone who isn't brand new that is trustworthy, so I'm a lot more careful now. I also enjoy the thrill of the kill. But who doesn't?
  23. Cap'n (DayZ)

    Are there vehicles yet?

    Yes, just rusted and in horrible despair.
  24. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New CDF Gear Confirmed?

    I was recently watching a Q/A thing by Sacriel42 with Chris Torchia, when they start talking about the Smersh vest, and Torchia brings up the CDF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGgv8Rt7LoQ (1:55) He goes over the background of ArmA 2, but he also briefly mentions that they're working on more updated Chernarussian Defense Force items. Admittedly, I jizzed my violently with rabid excitement. Now, they could add a lot of things. Here is a compilation of what I think they may be working on; 1. PASGT Helmet The primary helmet of the US armed forces until recently, and still in use with a fuckton of European countries. Basically, a less shitty looking alternative to the terribly ugly ballistic helmet we currently have. And of course, it's standard issue among the CDF. 2. Flak Jacket The average CDF soldier, inexplicably, carries a heavy duty Russian flak jacket. Budget problems aside (really though, how do their broke asses afford this shit?), this would be a way better alternative to the anti stab vest and the press vest. It could carry more items and blend in way better. 3. Kepi Basically, a light military cap. Could be offered in TTSKO and olive drab/grey variations, and provide a dapper cap for your dapper survivor. 4. SVD Standard marksmen rifle of the Defense Forces. Rugged, reliable, and accurate. Superior in every way to the Mosin, and it'd be a damn good rifle to have. Regardless of the caliber bullshittery. 5. PKM Also standard issue among the CDF, the PKM General Purpose Machinegun. Do like the Polish, and re-chamber it for 7.62 NATO. Way better alternative to the AK drum mag, but it'd be nigh effective unless bipod deployed. 6. MASKA Helmet A rugged RU special forces helmet. Goes perfectly with GORKA, and looks cool to boot. 7. Combat goggles Pretty much standard among every armed force these days. They're pretty much necessary, not sure why they haven't implemented yet, but it's a good time for em' to come. 8. CDF UAZ For when cars do come (eventually), the UAZ is in order. Staple of the Eastern military, a lack of presence would be startling. Maybe a generic OD version, and a superior camoflauge version adorned with the glorious Chernarussian roundel. Well, that's most everything I can think of. Pretty much everything else has been added already. Anyways, what do you guys think of the revelation? Has the time finally come, where they will stop adding generic Western tacticool operator gear? Or is that a pipe dream? If they do, one day, the cool kids will look like this: Instead of like these moto helmet scrubs: And yes, the CDF have an uncanny resemblance to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Just go with it, mkay?
  25. Cap'n (DayZ)

    New CDF Gear Confirmed?

    Mmmm, just like OFP. M68 helmet would be a blast though.