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Everything posted by joed9988

  1. joed9988

    Please come to US 776 Hackers so i can ban you all.

    but only if battle eye catches them?
  2. joed9988

    Please come to US 776 Hackers so i can ban you all.

    have u figured out how to ban the assholes that teleport around?
  3. joed9988

    Another Teleport

    they will never fix the hacking and the only reply your gonna get is a bunch of douche bags saying its an alpha what do you expect this game is fucked just be ready for WAR Z this fall!
  4. what you do is stop playing this hunk of shit game and get excited for WAR Z!
  5. joed9988

    Why use tents?

  6. joed9988

    Why use tents?

    hey i hear when WAR Z comes out it wont suck balls like dayz it will be fun and u can actually not have items get lost or hacked away from you !
  7. joed9988

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    how bout a game mode where you get killed by hackers tents eat your items and doors and ladders kill you! oh wait nvm that is this mode. how bout a mode that doesnt suck
  8. joed9988

    Mercenary Signs-Ups are Now Open

    Sounds liek a cool idea. But don't think it will really work the way you think. Whats to stop someone from making up a new profile name and screwing you over unless you get there guid, i dont see anyway to know for sure who your dealing with. and if you get screwed over how would you even track someone they could join any server they want and you might never get any revenge.
  9. joed9988

    PLEASE Stop Duplicating Topics

    Topics are like tents! Pack it up come back a day later and its back again!
  10. joed9988

    The the bandit on US 88

    Yes this sucks but hopefully This New Game "War Z" wont let shit liek that happen when it comes out in the fall!
  11. joed9988

    Who wants a BJ

    Thank you i hoped you all enjoyed the video!
  12. Well we had this problem my friend and his brother couldnt play on the same server. I talked to the server admin he said he would look into it. He changed some option on his server and now they can join fine so i dunno what the problem is but its definitly somthing the admin has control over.
  13. best is when u do that then try to run back to your body and right before u loot your items back the server restarts or crashs.
  14. joed9988

    spawning with friends

    well i meant on a fresh respawn if u want to spawn with a friend
  15. its a server option contact the server admin and see if they can help if not join NY 7 or 8 we have that option disabled so duplicate ips can play together also send me nudes of your wfe if shes hot.
  16. You shouldnt have too there are so many little things in this game that need to be fixed
  17. joed9988

    spawning with friends

    i think you should choose where u spawn or random but if you choose where u spawn it makes u wait 5 mins or somthing actually nvm the game already does that 5 mins sitting at a loading screen.
  18. my tents eat items i put in them if there too close to trees its gay
  19. joed9988

    Hacker on UK31 (Matt The Bandit)

    we banned matt the bandit from ny 7 and 8 cuz he and his 2 other gay lovers spawned in a heliocpter
  20. "DYMTRO was a hacker and was banned for it" let me just reply to this dmytro hacked like one day and got banned the same day i wouldnt really call him a hacker i think he just got bored he was an idiot but not really a "Hacker".
  21. Well i just want you to understand what was going on garful and the order in which things happened. so maybe u guys wont feel like fain or any of my friends were trying to mess with you or hack this game, and im gonna take my time and write this cuz my writing skills suck and i apologies. OK here we go 1. Monday morning Pz cant access tent in tree deletes tree file and find out that he can play with no trees. 2. Later that afternoon after i wake up cuz i hadnt slept all night i messaged fain and let him know what Pz had discovered. 3. 40 mins later i joined up in fains mumble and heard him and the other admins complaining how shitty this game is that you can do shit like this and heard one of his admins trying to delete other files to see what else could be deleted. 4. i made a thread in the cheating thread that this game is broken and this needs to be fixed. 5. i messaged kyriel telling her that pz had found away to get rid of trees and this game is a hunk of shit, and that fain and the other admins were messing around deleting files. 6. I learned that fain and the admins were just testing this shit out to report to the devs. 7.you started this thread acussing fain and admins of hacking and that fain allowed it to happen ( of course he allowed it to happen they were testing it out on each other). i dont understand what the big deal is if anyone was hacking for real or deleting game files to mess with other player do u think i would have told anyone? let me just run around saying im hacking so i get banned thats good idea just understand that fain is not a bad guy and not trying to do anything but help make make light of a pretty huge problem with this game as am i. The hacking in this game is riduculas on any server you join, cuz this games anti cheating prevention is about as good as my typing skills so you can join a diffrent server but just remember when u have players teleporting in and killing you or flying helios around and dive bombing you with jets. Its not me or fain or jesus or gay obama doing it. its this shitty game atleast fain is trying to run a decent server and try to stop people from killing other players with jets and hacked in weapons half the other severs out there dont have any active admins. and if you think that there arent hackers on every server read the rest of the cheat forums theres probably like 50 new threads a day about cheaters or hackers. You guys should be feel pretty shitty about yourselfs for trying to drag fains name threw the mud. Myself im not a saint here i dup items like a champ and ive been know to find a nice wall and sit inside and throw tin cans at people and tell them i need help! But poor fain hasnt ever done anything but play with us and try to organize events and restart the server any time the game starts to get laggy cuz of the shitty engine it runs on. i know im not the only one whos duped an item wether on purpose or by accident who the fuck cares the game is broken but if i kill you or find a truck that u hid. its because you suck or i got lucky.
  22. you dont need a link just delete your game files
  23. i was just saying that i was wrong when i said fain was playing without trees and that you misundertood what i was saying you dont have to be a cunt