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Posts posted by spielfuehrer

  1. whell i updated server till latest steam patch(throw steamcmd) all works good, But player with old patch gets connection lost to server right after connect.

    setted back as was all works good


    thats what i get when i want to connect with my current updated client.

  2. well, tbh. i am new to server admining. and i dont get that beta 124802 running with 1.8.1. 

    i´ve downloaded the steam files as stated, copied dayz 1.8.1. over, but the expansion\beta is mostly gone. copying files didnt help. besides. is there any server updated yet?

  3. Can you elaborate on that? Loot is spawning fine on the server we're running and bloodbags were working as of last night.


    The loot takes to long to spawn. Most of the time you need to run a second or thrid cylce befor loot actually spawns. Also i recognized that loot despawns as well, sometimes even in front of my eyes.

    I dont think that is de991 specific. But you are welcome to join and test it.



     We wont be doing any sort of client hotfix we just wont have the time to get it all rigged up then sent for appoval and push everything before the next release in 20 days. However i will be doing a server side mission patch for server admins to correct the invisible loot issue removal of flies and disable of the blood drops.


    Blood bags we are still looking into


    That sounds great. Is the despawning loot and mixed up loot timer known as well?

  4. just check your hosts file in windows make sure your not changing the host name to another ip. Alot of players do this due to the cdn issues we always have 


    Unfortently thats not the reason. The server connects to the IP provided in the sql files wich i included to the database.

  5. Well first of all, thanks to the dev team. 

    I really appreciate that they are still working for the mod. I really thought would be the dead end for the mod. Please keep up the work!!!


    Besides, i installed a server on my home pc, and after i inserted the sql files provided in this thread i always connect to strange database in Dallas :P Even when i delete my hiveext.ini its still connects there. So anybody got a clue?

    Somehow btw, the server i am admin of is fine tho.


    Thanks in advance.

