//BlurGaming.com //Script Written by Blur //adminbase.sqf if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["########","########","########","########"]) then { titleText ["Welcome back, nigs.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; } else { titleText ["You are now entering the admin base. turn back now...", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 15; titleText ["You have less than 15 seconds to leave, or you will be fried, like chicken.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 10; titleText ["5", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; playsound "coundown_5"; sleep 1; titleText ["4", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; playsound "coundown_4"; sleep 1; titleText ["3", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; playsound "countdown_3"; Sleep 1; titleText ["2", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; playsound "countdown_2"; sleep 1; titleText ["1", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; playsound "countdown_1" sleep 1; playsound "countdown_0" player setDamage 1; sleep 1; titleText ["get fucked up!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; }; and then... class Item3 { position[]={#dembasesLoc#}; a=650; b=500; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="AdminBase"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="adminbase = [] execVM ""Scripts\adminbase.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="terminate adminbase; titleText [""Why you no stay?"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];"; class Effects { titleType="TEXT"; titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN"; title="entering the pimp house.."; }; };