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Everything posted by pmjkerr

  1. Use DayZ commander. It will cause you a lot less headache.
  2. pmjkerr

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Wow, what the fuck has made you so bitter?
  3. pmjkerr

    DayZ Ovaron

    Map looks awesome, I've always wanted some sort of rive/ channel system running through an entire map. Makes boats 10x more plausible. This makes me furious and is totally anti-DayZ.
  4. pmjkerr

    How do I install Namalask?

    DayZ Commander is your friend brosef. It's pretty self explainitory once you've open it up.
  5. Reinstall the mod through commander.
  6. pmjkerr

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Surprised to see so much support for the removal side of the arguement. That being said, I'm on the same side - Remove them completely.
  7. pmjkerr

    How safe are white list servers?

    It really comes down to those running the server. If the admins are active round the clock and clued then you'll usually be pretty safe.
  8. Wrap it in [ video ] [ /video ] tags without the spaces I think?
  9. pmjkerr

    Cars in Dayz

    Hey man, I didnt even have to use the search feature this time... It was on the same fucking page!! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118073-car-keys/
  10. pmjkerr

    Hey there :D

    Are you friendly?
  11. pmjkerr

    Headphones for gaming

    OP, please listen to this fella's opinion. By far the best advice in the thread and the best advice you will recieve from anyone/anywhere. I couldnt believe no one had given beans yet. Seems there are next to no audiophiles on this forum.
  12. pmjkerr

    Suggestion for DayZ anti hack solution

    pb sucks. I can't watch op's video but there really is no 'solution' to hacking, only minor prevention.
  13. pmjkerr

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    Would've been ten times funnier if he broke your legs and left you to be eaten alive. I'm sure that was his original plan. I can see you've been a member on the forums for a while now, so I assume you're a well versed player... I'm amazed you didn't crack earlier if this kind of thing upsets you so much.
  14. pmjkerr

    Fishing Rods

    Not sure if you're trollin or what - I got two pages of results when I searched for fishing rods. Lucky you're from Tassie, otherwise I wouldve lost my shit.
  15. Great thread mate. I really hope they put up wasteland support for Zargabad.
  16. Awesome write up. Would read again.
  17. Would you rather have a can of Heinz Baked Beans or an empty tin can?
  18. pmjkerr

    processor question

    I've got the same CPU. Will run DayZ fine without overclocking, but if you do want to OC then I wouldnt go above 4ghz without sufficient cooling. Your frame rate will also be dependant on which GPU you choose, but seeing as it's a new build I'm sure you'll make the right choice in that department.
  19. pmjkerr

    DayZ Character/Gear Problem

    Your gear gets saved on all private hives. Balota buddies would be one of the most popular and reliable hives, with servers located around the world. Pretty decent admins in my experience as well.