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Everything posted by pmjkerr

  1. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  2. pmjkerr

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    How can you criticise something that you havent played??
  3. pmjkerr

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Keep it at 1.7.6 dude. Fuck the system!
  4. pmjkerr

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    There is nothing realistic about a zombie apocalyse m8
  5. pmjkerr

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    As per usual, more people will voice their opinion of annoyance than those that are impartial or offering praise. Those that speak up dont always represent the majority remember, either way I guess it's a wise business decision in the end.
  6. pmjkerr

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Straight to 1.7.6
  7. pmjkerr

    New Food and Drinks Names

    I'm not here to discuss or debate anything at all. I come here to see updates and new additions to a mod/game I rarely play anymore. Maybe thats why my care factor for such a harmless inclusion is next to none. But anyone who is seriously upset by anything as small as this seriously needs to grow up. Everyone seems to forget how to have fun while playing video games these days.
  8. pmjkerr

    New Food and Drinks Names

    Cool idea with the new food. It's so sad to see so many faggots in this community now.
  9. pmjkerr

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Lewbot for troll of the year 2013.
  10. pmjkerr

    Weird FPS Problem

    What are your system specs? Its completely normal to get higher frames when scoped in or with a map open. Theres a lot less information to process.
  11. You got from the coast to Devil's in 12 minutes? All whilst stopping numerous times to loot and engage in gun fights? Nope.
  12. pmjkerr

    pulling off drive-bys

    And do it well you did. I swear this guy is a repeat offender of reposting shitty suggestions.
  13. pmjkerr

    The good old days of Dayz!

    A fuckload has changed.
  14. Am I voting for my favourite map or for which map is think is the most popular at the moment? Please feed me cheese.
  15. pmjkerr

    holstering prime weapon

  16. I think it is pretty much the beauty of the mod that there is so much variety. There's a server for everyone and a million and one different options in choosing how to play. That was the original brilliance of it, letting the players decide how they wanted to play. What we have now was always going to happen and especially so with the absence of Rocket and his vision/direction. This pretty much sums it up for me. I really havent had the time to put into DayZ over the last few months like I used to and hence if I just want a quick screw around with some mates for an hour or so a week or each fortnight these kinds of servers are just what the doc ordered.
  17. Bad mojo has made vaild points. It's all a matter of opinion, whether you like the changes or not (there will always be the usual and unusual bugs and glitches that come with each version) It seems as though people are straight up ignoring the positives about the new update and focusing way too heavily on the negatives (as always). I cant be fucked trawling through the main thread but can someone list some of the major problems with the new update? Not those like Masterfocker listed in the other thread as they were simply opinions on gameplay that he/she didnt like.
  18. pmjkerr

    Building a PC! Need help :)

    Are you from the US or Australia? $600 in either currency is not ideal. If I were you, I would be patient and continue saving for a few months and get your budget up to the 1k mark. That way you will be able to comfortably build a PC that will last a number of years with reliable branded parts.
  19. pmjkerr

    I need to know if m desktop can run DayZ

    You'll struggle. The GPU looks pretty dodgey.