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Everything posted by Cobs

  1. Not a bad bit of advice, I recently convinced my roommate to sell his 2009 Macbook Pro for $500 (he was using bootcamp to play games such as dayz as well). He then bought a desktop gaming PC for $600 with an intel i7 3770k, water cooling, nvidia 660, 8GB Ram, 128GB SSD (windows 8.1) and 1 TB 7200 rpm. He got a good deal on craigslist and now has the power to play games and do some high end 3d rendering. So $100 out of pocket gave him a HUGE upgrade in computing power, if you're willing to part with the mobility and the apple brand image.
  2. My favorite part is my realization that we left a gun outside by the ladder. "Oh shit there's a gun outside!" Right after I said that he comes in blazing hahaha just perfect. Rest in piece Dr. Jon.
  3. Cobs

    Looking to join Epoch Group

    Check out chilicheesedogz epoch server.. where bases are built not bought. Bring friends, make new friends, have fun.
  4. ChiliCheeseDogZ is run and owned by adults who love DayZ at it's core. The people behind the once popular ChiliCheeseDogZ vanilla DayZ have returned to give you the most fair Epoch experience you can have! This server is brand new so don't wait to get your foot in the door and get started before everyone else! It has all the standard features such as:400+ vehiclesAi MissionsSafe TradersAdded buildingsSelf BloodbagAuto RefuelTow/Lift Running buttery smooth FPS Most importantly on this server you cannot purchase a base, you must earn it the old fashioned way! ChiliCheeseDogZ, built, not bought.IP: chilicheesedogz.ts3.nfoservers.com pw silence Hope to see you on!
  5. Cobs


    I am experiencing the same issue.
  6. Cobs

    Low FPS

    You can try some tweaking to improve fps, but sadly it is poorly optimized. Tweaks here
  7. Some footage by my friend JackThunder that is worth a watch!
  8. Cobs

    November Round-up

    I agree the motion blur needs to be turned down a bit or off, but I am all for other post processing effects. They make the sky look so much more realistic and give the game a bit of haziness and immersion. I would have them on all the time in the mod if it didn't give me blurry tunnel vision when I moved. Standing still, it looks beautiful.
  9. Cobs

    Lag Spike on a good PC

    With 8GB of ram you can load like 4GB worth of pbo files straight from your ram with ramdisk. That will speed some stuff up until you get around to getting an SSD. If you are even a moderate gamer I would recommend an SSD.
  10. Cobs

    DayZ Mouse-Scrolling issue

    When I am unable to scroll anything, hit g to open your gear, then close it. After that you should be able to scroll again right away. Works for me anyways. No idea why this happens.
  11. Cobs

    I need help building a computer.

    That's a really difficult question that depends on a handful of different variables. You can ask in the can I run it part of the forums but I would say you can expect above playable FPS with that setup. Even with the best rigs though, you can still see drops in the 20's and lower in cities on certain servers. It's just the game, but they are improving it every day. Just with the new 1.8 update performance has been increased.
  12. Cobs

    I need help building a computer.

    ProcessorVideo CardMain BoardMemoryPower SupplyCaseAll assuming you already have a copy of Windows, and a hard drive from your old computer. Total before shipping $682.94. She should play DayZ pretty well for $700. Btw I didn't cheap out on the power supply. Never cheap out on the component that can potentially ruin all your other components.
  13. Cobs

    I need help building a computer.

    Would steer away from AMD FX processors. They may seem like more bang for your buck on paper, but the Arma 2 engine does not perform well on them. If this is one of your main games I would choose an intel processor for sure, and I wouldn't cheap out. DayZ is very CPU intensive so I would go quad core something at 3Ghz or more. You should really invest more in the CPU than getting a top of the line GPU. I bought an i3 dual core 3.3Ghz and I run an AMD 7950 3GB. I went more for the graphics card and now I'm just itching to upgrade my processor. While DayZ runs pretty well and I do play at everything max, I wish I had more processor power in the cities.
  14. For those who want to take the ramdisk a step further, you can use Windows Shell Extension and load important arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead pbo files straight from your ram. I use the whole 4GB worth (free version of ramdisk) of various PBO files from both. Boosts loading time and fps of DayZ since DayZ utilizes some of these pbo files too.
  15. Me and all my DayZ crew had this exact same problem. We just closed everything and kept clicking it until it finally wanted to download. No idea why it happened.
  16. Cobs

    FPS Lag

    You and many people are having trouble running DayZ with an FX processor. Looks like the BullDozer is an Eight Core AMD FX Series. The game really doesn't seem to like them. Here is a quote taken off a discussion about it that I've relayed over to a few fellow DayZ players: I hope this helps, also I hear the new DayZ update will boost performance. The update is scheduled to come out today if all goes well.
  17. Cobs

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Mike mike mike mike mike
  18. Cobs

    Permanent Loss of Conciousness

    As the infection spreads, your body will get an intense fever. Eventually you will come out of your coma filled with the rage. I will pray for you, but I fear he has abandoned us all. That or you could try making a new profile.
  19. Alot of people are reporting problems with FX processors and Arma 2. This might be helpful: http://forums.unitedoperations.net/index.php/topic/13152-amd-fx-cpus-and-arma-2/
  20. I thought I would share my little known DayZ secret on how to run up steep slopes without walking. It requires the use of an analog controller for your movement. Basically you get going up the hill until you get into the forced walk mode where it gets steep, then use the analog controller to go left or right (normally "a" and "d") about 75% of the way. It kind of tricks the game into thinking you went full diagonal right or left, even though your characters direction has not changed. You will run straight up the hill at a full run. I use a joystick for analog player movement in my left hand, and a mouse in the right hand. It allows for more complex and fine tuned control.
  21. Yeah hopefully it gets fixed, though it's probably not on the top of their priority list. I think the magazines thing was fixed a few patches ago actually. They should also make gamma adjusting at night very slight to none.