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Sleeping Tobi

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About Sleeping Tobi

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Sleeping Tobi

    Novy spawn

    I didn't know i was spawning there when i was trying to spawn closer to my friends at electro a few patches ago. But when I did, and stayed I noticed its a wonderful place to spawn
  2. Sleeping Tobi

    Novy spawn

    Is the Novy spawn still there because it is a god dam good spawn? haven't died yet so I don't know
  3. Sleeping Tobi

    Tobi for Forum president

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o1eHKf-dMwo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Just my thoughts on the matter. I'm just messing with you all.
  4. Try vaulting or jumping out the back wall usually works for me.
  5. Sleeping Tobi

    Increase grass distance?

    As rocket has said before The game is in alpha they are worrying about the functionality not the optimization. So no there isn't a way to the remove the eye cancer from mid range yet. ^^
  6. Sleeping Tobi

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I broke my legs walking down some stairs. Yes walking not running or jumping, walking.
  7. If you want to roleplay it just carry a radio around with you, and have your friends carry one 2 then it won't be an exploit if your over 100m away from them. ULTRA MEGA ROLE PLAYING MANIAC Although I completely agree with DR here.
  8. Sleeping Tobi

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    tents will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever (10 million evers later) decrease ghosting. Ghosting is while combat logging going onto another server to gain an advantage over the opposition then logging back into said server just to kill the poor player. Tents on the other had is a good idea but what am I going to put in these tents more M4s? Edit: better idea then the tents put stuff under ground but the loot degrades over time. Say it takes a week to get stuff from pristine to ruined.
  9. Now now stop being so negative. Yes the issue has been raised before, during the mod there was such a fix but you need to know this is only an alpha and they are still working on things like this, they are well aware of it and it may be brought into the beta if not start worrying and start posting.
  10. Sleeping Tobi

    System to Punish KoS

    Howdy people, this person can't take being killed and is too serious about the game. I'd like to see what he does when people shoot at him. Will he combat log and try to ghost? :3 And this is why I prefer the M4, good up to a certain distance and if you can sneak up to them an easy head shot. Mosins don't have the rate of fire. If you head shot someone only the stuff in their jacket gets ruined which isn't a big deal but if you shoot someone in the chest everything gets ruined.
  11. Sleeping Tobi

    System to Punish KoS

    The only problem with that is your going to get trolls with spawning and running straight for people just to get them to shoot them. There is a system with banditing its called ruined gear. On the other hand murderers there is none. The definition between bandits and murders are clear. Bandits kill for better loot. murderers kill for the fun of it. I always take the items I need, if i make a kill I take food medical supplies and better guns if they have it. Thats why I always go up close and shoot for the head if I spot someone.
  12. Banning people can't happen at the moment I think but as long as its public hive RULES DON'T APPLY. If you want rules make a private hive and get active admins.
  13. Sleeping Tobi

    Well done new spawns

    Does my thread say anything about it working? And looking at your other posts I think your a really negative person. I was just commenting on how I'm liking the new spawns because there are more people up there now and less people down at balota.
  14. Sleeping Tobi

    Well done new spawns

    First time seeing a group of 4 people at the NWAF and not at balota I normally stay clear of balota taken out 2 of them on my own. :3 Although they were very bad shots 1 guy at the fire station took 2 shots at me before I shot back. GG to these people WP. Also I got the reloading bug on one of the dead bodies that i killed it just kept reloading, I dunno what that was about. Edit: liking the new spawns.
  15. The fun is finding the gear first. For example our group buys a server, we start up and within the first 5 minute of a brand spanking new server I find a M4A3 and a GPS fortunately at that time I was the only one with a gun. This was a private hive.