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About sosa_tman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sosa_tman

    Looking for a group

    hey man add my steam name tman0327 and my skype name tman0327
  2. sosa_tman

    Looking for some people to play with :)

    alrite dude, whats ur steam name?
  3. Hey guys just looking for some people who want to have a good time and have fun, I think its more fun to play with a group than by yourself. So if you wanna play with me add my steam name- tman0327. I also have skype and my skype account name is tman0327 See you guys in the apocalypse :)
  4. sosa_tman

    New player looking for friends

    Ill add u bro, im looking for some more people to play with :)