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About Zypha

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Zypha

    Bandit or Hero house? Origins

    There's multiple ways to glitch inside the various house levels but you shouldn't worry about that as when the house is locked you cannot access the gear. Level 1 bandot and hero houses are essentially the same minus a fe aesthetic features. Level 2 hero house isn't much of an upgrade from the level 1 in regards to physical size, however the bandit level 2 house has a very nice physical sizes and allows for easier maneuverability. Level 3, again there isn't much difference between the two. However the bandit house seems to be aesthetically tidier inside. (I have been assuming that these two somehow got switched around as a bandit would most likely have a messier house) I hope this answered your questions.
  2. You timed that eject perfectly mate! I've often had to eject due to a 'faulty pilot' and missed my chance by about a meter and end up having my knee's meet my shoulders.
  3. When placing a house you should also be aware of any slopes, my level 1 is on a slight slope and is a pain in the ass. My best suggestion is the mountain north of Martin and west of Gorka. This hill provides a good location in regards to spawn points, either Etan or Byelov (not too much of a walk). There's a firetruck spawn in Gorka that spawns 'driveable' and it's a short walk to Martin for industrial and residential loot. For an added bonus you get great overview of Gorka in regards to sniping and if you want to sneak up on houses up there, there is absolutely no viable cover.
  4. Don't give away free gear in the hopes of getting more players. Origins is a very popular mod, I doubt you'll need to give away gear to get players.
  5. As an admin on an Origins server I will just say that often there's clues to whether or not someone is farming humanity. However without having an admin map it's often difficult in proving that someone was. In all fairness it could just be a mis-communication, I'd suggest you get hold of the Admin/Owner and try to sort this out.
  6. Zypha

    How to kill Ivan (patient zero) ?

    I always trust in 10 - 12 rounds to the head from a PKM/PKP. Works a treat.
  7. Zypha

    Want to learn Origins

    You could always hop onto the Boozeplatoon TS3 and see if the others wouldn't mind showing you the ropes. boozeplatoon.teamspeak.net We also have our own Origins server, just server for Boozeplatoon on DayZCommander.
  8. Zypha

    I wish I spawned with a...

    Would you use the same knife for killing the infected and cutting meat?
  9. Zypha

    I wish I spawned with a...

    I assumed he would want to use it as a melee weapon.
  10. Zypha

    computer monitors and Dayz

    It's more of a prefrence than anything else. I like playing on a smaller monitor, I feel it's easier on the eyes. Though I have a dual monitor setup with my larger screen being used for a web browser. In reality your monitor shouldn't have a huge impact on your performance unless you've got a terrible rig and try to run DayZ on larger resolutions.
  11. Zypha

    Take Me Back to Vietnam

    My only real hacker incident was my first outting with my clan, we were all flying all a helicopter and the engine suddenly turned off and refused to start again. We jumped from the helo, apart from the pilot who thought he could glide it in as had been done before. We landed in a large woods amd then procceeded to all head towards each other when suddenly a huge explosion, we look up to see planes. Lots of them. I survived along with another. As annoying as hackers can be, it was great fun being shelled with planes, explosions, trees falling everywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ7SpH0wBgY
  12. Zypha

    DAYZ DIXIE new mod in progress.

    This looks promising!
  13. I had a similar experience. I had a few drinks.. Okay I was quite drunk.. Got home and popped on DayZ. Feeling too drunk to fly the helicopter i was going to give it to one of my clan. Where I had parked the helicopter was a struggle when sober. Long story short - I crashed the helicopter before I got 10 feet in the air and wiped out our stockpile.
  14. Zypha

    A wild idea.

    That's a good point there Box. Me and my friend are the kind that love feedback, bug testing and pushing a game to its limits, which is probably a large factor into why we'd be willing to hand over the coin.
  15. Me and a friend got around to an idea when chatting about the DayZ SA earlier and, I quote: 'I would hand over 50 GBP to Rocket for a pre-alpha copy of the SA'. It got me wondering, how many of you would hand over a medium amount of currency to have a pre-alpha copy of the SA?