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Castle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Castle (DayZ)

  1. Castle (DayZ)

    So I'm shooting a boat with my Mk 48

    My friend drove his car into a bunch of shit in the road because of his slow loading. It exploded. Twice. I saw it with my own eyes.
  2. Castle (DayZ)

    How do you scope you're head around whilst running?

    Are you left handed? If not, I don't see the problem here.
  3. Castle (DayZ)

    How do you scope you're head around whilst running?

    Do you only have one hand?
  4. Castle (DayZ)

    Which do you prefer between the M4 or M16?

    If we're talking default sights then the M4 no question. Smaller gun, full auto is more versatile than burst. If we're talking any variant I'd probably still have to go with the M4. The CCO sights are nice, and a flashlight on your gun (M4A3 CCO) can be really helpful if you don't have NVGs.
  5. Castle (DayZ)

    Been playing Private Hives.

    The spawn items change is one of the worst things to happen to DayZ. I will take old zombie detection over what it is now if it means we can have the old spawn items. DayZ went from sneaking to find what you want and being careful at all times because firing your gun was a huge nono, but if you had a zombie after you, it was a must. Now you start with so little and it's so easy to lose zombies the only logical choice on spawn is to full sprint through everything until you find what you want. Lose all the zombies chasing you in 5 seconds, and leave town. It's so incredibly boring in comparison.
  6. When I played months ago my mouse smoothing in Arma 2 / DayZ worked perfectly fine. If turned to 0 it acted like it was at 0, if at 50 then 50 etc. Obviously I had it disabled. Currently no matter what I set it at it always acts the same (~100) which makes this completely unplayable for me.
  7. Castle (DayZ)

    What causes mouse smoothing to not be changeable?

    It didn't work! This wasn't in that file, but it was in the regular Arma2 one. I set it to 0 in that, and added it to the OA one where I also set it to 0. This did not work either.
  8. Castle (DayZ)

    Your Final Words Before Death

    Usually just "I'm dead," as seen in Sometimes I live but I always assume I won't.
  9. What should I expect to be different?
  10. Castle (DayZ)

    I haven't played in a few months

    Back when I quit every server got "nuke" hacked every couple hours. Every server, no exceptions, for days.
  11. Castle (DayZ)

    I haven't played in a few months

    I stopped playing around late may / early june.
  12. Castle (DayZ)

    Offer: M14 EP1 for NV goggles

    Technically speaking M14s were a somewhat rare military loot before. Before the loot rebalancing they were tied for rarest military spawn, with only helicopter crash and barracks weapons being harder to come by. Hell they even used to have lower helicopter spawn rate than DMRs, but that was clearly changed with the loot rebalancing.
  13. Castle (DayZ)

    Offer: M14 EP1 for NV goggles

    So you want to trade a semi-rare (Actually it has like a 90% heli crash droprate now so...) weapon that you will find 40 of for each pair of NVG you find for a pair of NVG? Man that's reasonable.
  14. Castle (DayZ)

    Who do I need to contact? Or what should I do?

    Is it in Staroye with no wheels?
  15. Yeah we may have broken it to get you out of it. But that was my truck. You think about what you've done now. We're going to get the UAZ back too.
  16. Castle (DayZ)

    M1911 vs Revolver

    The advantages the revolver had over the M1911 before ammo swapping were: Revolver ammo more common, revolver has better long range accuracy (pretty much irrelevant, the M1911 is perfectly accurate within its zombie one hit kill range, and you aren't going to use a sidearm outside of that). M1911 advantages were faster RoF, one more bullet per mag. Now that revolver no longer has its only meaningful advantage it's practically worthless. The noise level is talking about how likely they are to alert zombies, not other players hearing. To which I am fairly certain they do have the same alert range, which is the highest of the sidearms.
  17. Castle (DayZ)

    Why does the Berezino Hospital suck so much?

    The Berezino hospital has the exact same spawns as the other hospitals. if it's empty that means someone else beat you to it and it hasn't respawned.
  18. It bugged in 1.7.0 if you didn't have the beta patch, but getting the beta patch fixed it. Since you need the beta patch for all later versions there shouldn't be a problem. It has been confirmed fixed by the devs. I believe it's in a stickied thread in Bug Reports.
  19. My tents have had a ~66% save through server restart ratio. Even to the point that some of them save and some of them won't on the same restart.
  20. Have either of you received a transfusion or respawned since this began? I know a few times I've been deafened even at high blood.
  21. You just explained why you deserved it. Bye.
  22. Castle (DayZ)

    DayZ admins can spawn vehicles?

    Server admins can't spawn anything. Technically any dev with access to the database can add whatever they want, but that would require a server restart to appear. What you encountered was almost definitely hackers.
  23. Castle (DayZ)

    "____ was killed"

    You know you got the kill because it counts as a murder/bandit kill.
  24. Castle (DayZ)

    Backpack glitched
