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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    One night i imagine this

    Keep living in your fantasy world, brother. Whatever floats your boat
  2. maninthewall

    One night i imagine this

    Oh aint you something else ;)
  3. maninthewall

    One night i imagine this

    Some people just never give up do they lmao Who cares about punctuation, especially on a game discussion forum BTW I saw your edit, grammar nazi
  4. maninthewall

    One night i imagine this

    Typos are pretty common :)
  5. maninthewall

    One night i imagine this

    Well somebody has no clue what racism is :thumbsup:
  6. maninthewall

    Where do I go to find PVP right now?

    Clusterfuck =/= 1 in 10000
  7. maninthewall

    Another game copy

    Well I'm damn sure "he" is not allowed to hack either but looks like he didn't give so many shits about that rule now did he
  8. maninthewall

    Another game copy

    "He" has to make a new steam account. But I would suggest "him" to just forget there was ever a game called DayZ. Cowardly hackers like your "friend" are not welcome,
  9. maninthewall

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Ok so you ran inland, not needing any loot, looking for interactions for 7 months... Now that's boring, especially if you play every day
  10. maninthewall

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    I just don't think it seems like fun, since there's nothing to do but loot. But that's just my opinion.. A much harder, and much more entertaining thing to do is just triyng to survive in the northeast, there you can interact with people and do the exact same things you've done for 7 months, but less running.
  11. maninthewall

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    I know this game is about survival but damn it must be boring running around inland doing nothing for 7 months
  12. maninthewall

    Kiddy Bandits

    Why are kids in this game so damn annoying? I was teaming up with this kid, he was like 13 or something but he seemed cool at first. Our group got larger and we were chilling by a fireplace, we were 4 at the time.. Then all of sudden he stands up, shoots everybody then says "Sorryyyy my best friend told me to do eeeeet i think ur awesome teeheee" No **** off!!
  13. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    1 exp server.. really <_<
  14. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Has anyone else met this dude with a guitar at NEAF ATC singing songs on exp?
  15. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Are tents easier to find yet? Serious question.
  16. maninthewall

    Tents...anyone having issues?

  17. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    This game with DirectX 11
  18. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I was being sarcastic
  19. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I think, maybe, just maybe, it means that first person servers only are in first person, and third person you can choose to have third person..
  20. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    When people take "beautiful" screenshots but don't remove the hotbar
  21. maninthewall

    Log in, die

  22. maninthewall

    Log in, die

    Of course
  23. maninthewall

    Log in, die

    1 shot, 1 kill Just saying
  24. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Do tents despawn after restarts on experimental? Apparently they do on stable..