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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    True. What about survivor skins?
  2. maninthewall

    New Server UKDZ #1 is now Online!

    I tried both searching name and ip and it doesnt exist
  3. I got banned for no reason why? It says admin ban when I try to log in after a hacker killed everyone
  4. maninthewall

    Looking for a nice hive

    I bet they are but saying "us 420" doesn't say much.. What's the full name and such?
  5. How to apply for whitelist?
  6. maninthewall

    DayZ Standalone - crosshair

    Where could I find the video?
  7. maninthewall

    Stupid brother...

    Always the brother, huh?
  8. maninthewall

    How to play music through your mic?

    If you actually read the whole OP I wasn't asking for "music", the title is misleading. "Let's say I don't have the newest iPod and I want to scare people through direct chat with creepy NOISES and shit"
  9. maninthewall

    How to play music through your mic?

    Since when did playing noises through mic = Hacking
  10. maninthewall

    How to play music through your mic?

    Leave a reply
  11. maninthewall

    Odd Shotgun Ammo ...

    He used two of them slugs
  12. maninthewall

    Odd Shotgun Ammo ...

    I looked so close I kissed my monitor, can't see any bugs or anything
  13. maninthewall

    Odd Shotgun Ammo ...

    It's 10 rounds of 12G slugs for your M1014, what don't you understand?
  14. maninthewall

    creepy axe murder guy

    You see him teleport, he's hacking
  15. Which DayZ map has most choppers?
  16. maninthewall

    Map with most choppers?

    Hi! I'm downloaing Fallujah right now, could you tell me where the air vehicles are located exactly (the area) because the loot map won't show. Thanks.
  17. maninthewall

    Is it just me?

    My first reaction was " Oh fuck that guy from mythbusters is chasing me!"
  18. So I was just playing on TheLaughingMan's server, spawned quite far away so I went to loot a brown house and I got this message: , " You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin ban (Survivor Joel on US1. SCR80.217.51.4TS)) What does this mean? I don't hack or anything..
  19. So I use this ( http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarus ) map for looting, finding vehicles and stuff. I've been looking for helicopters for a while, and they don't seem to be on the spots where it shows on the map. I play on unpopulated servers ( 0 players online ) What do you use and how accurate is the one I'm using?
  20. maninthewall

    How accurate is the loot map?

    Yes, it's me and thanks!
  21. maninthewall

    What the hell

    So I've been playing on a server for a while now, getting good stuff, vehicles and all I was alone on the server, right? I just got launched up in the air and got killed Why did this happen? :(
  22. Fuuuuck... I can't even stay alive one day.. God damn, anyone got tips on how to stay alive longer? I like to run in cities for loot
  23. maninthewall

    A new DayZ

    Hi, I just got done watching Jurassic Park and I thought, "Wow surviving VS dinosaurs would be damn fun, and I mean maybe it could happen sometime?" We would have all kinds of dinosaurs, the lethal and aggressive predators such as Tyrannosaurus and raptors, less aggressive but just as lethal herbivores, and pterosaurs (the flying ones) Wouldn't that be great? The dinosaurs would be based of their real eye sight, sense of smell etc. If they ever existed. The bigger dinosaurs would be in the center of the map/island and the smaller ones around the coast. The map would be full of old abandoned buildings and cities, and look a little bit like Chernarus. Thoughts around this?
  24. maninthewall

    A new DayZ

    Word. It's not like making another mod for ArmA II is going to affect DayZ in any way?
  25. Name: ManInTheWall (maninthewall) Location: Sweden, 30-50 Ping GUID: 2a3189a12f6848cbf78ea9291d513e04 I want to join your server because it seems like a great server, no hackers and it has 80 slots. No other reasons really.