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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    Use for toilet paper

    Hi! In DayZ, toilet paper is currently just a waste loot, like empty cans and whiskey bottles. I was thinking we could give toilet paper a use in DayZ and give them players a bladder meter that goes down the more you eat/drink I think this should be implemented in DayZ: SA. Also make toilet paper super common, as common as emtpy cans. Side effects if you do not empty your bladder are losing 200 blood every 20 minutes, if you do empty your bladder without any toilet paper, you will get flies around you for 30 minutes unless you swim in water. Thoughts?
  2. So wherever I spawn, it's around 10km to N/W airfield, it takes about 20 minutes to run there.. It really doens't make any sense to me since I heard you run about 7 km/h, which means it should take more than an hour to get to NW airfield.
  3. maninthewall

    How fast does the character jog/run in DayZ?

    That's real fast dude...
  4. Do you have vsync on? I always turn vsync off, vsync on will lock your fps at 60 (if off averages above 60), sometime I get frame drops down to 49 fps, whenever I turn that off I get stable 110-150 fps Try and turn it off in ArmA 2 settings/nvidia control panel
  5. maninthewall

    Second map for DayZ:SA idea

    I thought we would put Stockholm into DayZ for once. Stockholm (The area I painted out) is about 187km² So a little bit bigger than chernarus. The island is filled with not only buildings, there are big forests in many areas, and has 1 big airport. There is one island maybe as big as Utes right on the coast. Map = http://i.imgur.com/8Gb1uYN.jpg Do you think this would be a great map? On this map there's not only "being on the coast, or being in the woods" like in chernarus. Since there are smallers cities everywhere around the map. You do not have to run so far just to get to one place since all cities are pretty tight and would cause pretty cool PvP fights everywhere. And as I said there are many big forests to create camps in and keep vehicles.
  6. maninthewall

    This forum.

    What will happen to this forum once standalone comes out? Will you change URL to dayz.com, will it get removed, or will it stay as it is? Just curious.
  7. When you're a fresh spawn, do you spawn with clothes you have chosen or do you spawn half naked with only your boxers? Curious.
  8. maninthewall

    How do you start off in SA?

    Thanks for the replies. I hope to spawn with as said jeans and a t-shirt, later in the game you can find cool new clothes and maybe some glasses or something
  9. maninthewall

    No respawn servers?

    Are there any sorts of servers where you only get 1 life, once you die you cannot respawn before the next server restart? That would be pretty cool B)
  10. maninthewall


    Would you fix this lag pretty please? :) I hate it when I shoot at someone, he starts shooting at me 4 seconds later and we both fall down to the ground dead because the bullets wouldn't register immediately Since this is indeed a shooter game, there shouldn't be issues like this. I hope they fix it for standalone at least :) Here's a perfect example of what happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXXo-CGgrFI For the record, my ping was below 40 :beans:
  11. maninthewall

    Better swimming

    I did and it went much faster than in DayZ.. Maybe because I'm strong.
  12. maninthewall

    CZ75 automatic (handgun)

    This gun is in a COD therefore it shouldn't be in arma because cod is unrealistic and arma is real life
  13. maninthewall

    Second map for DayZ:SA idea

    It says "second map" in the title... Maybe you could pay a little more attention to the title next time
  14. maninthewall

    Second map for DayZ:SA idea

    That's my name. What's your point? Do I know you?
  15. Why ask a question if NO ONE knows the answer? Seems pretty pointless to me.
  16. maninthewall

    What settings do you play on?

    I don't play it unless it's 60 fps
  17. maninthewall

    What settings do you play on?

    If you don't get more than 4 fps there's no point in playing
  18. maninthewall

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    LOL You gonna fresh spawn in the white boxers ?!
  19. How was this a mistake? I think this thread is good and our reasons are valid
  20. No one forced you to read this. LOL "Pensilvania"
  21. maninthewall

    What settings do you play on?

    Maximum settings for fancy graphics
  22. maninthewall

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'll be getting the game the same day it gets released on steam. It is my understanding that you can choose your clothes in main menu/whatever. What will you look like once you get low enough humanity to get the bandit skin or high enough to get hero skin? Do you get fancy clothes as a hero and weird looking clothes as bandit? Will humanity return? I HAZ SO MANY QUESTIONS.
  23. This is correct and I like your youtube videos.
  24. That is one weird graveyard
  25. I wasn't, but nice try. How does something like that make one invalid? 9/11 wasn't such a big deal anyway, more than 2 buildings in Iran and Afghanistan are falling apart and many more civilians are killed. Does anyone care? Nope. Sure, 9/11 was sad, but worse stuff happens every day