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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    where da servers @
  2. and whats new in it? theres nothing on stable branch section about 0.51
  3. maninthewall

    is stable 0.51 coming out today?

    lmao no one said anything about having nothing to do.. talk about coming out rude all of sudden
  4. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    What kind of sheds?
  5. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    where do you find jerry cans guys
  6. maninthewall

    So Happy :P

    we all did
  7. maninthewall

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Moderaterly peckish? Surely the messages may say so, but we don't know how long the character has been without food when he spawns for the first time. I like to pretend he's been without food for 3-4 days, and that's about -20000 kcal judging by how much you run in DayZ , which would make sense you need so much food, and eat every 30 min.
  8. maninthewall

    Is This A Mechanic Or A Bug? Bone Condition Death...

    I don't know but what you just said didn't make any sense to me - Watch the video again?
  9. It's the game punishing you for using typical KoS clothes, bro
  10. maninthewall

    Don't you ever sneak up on me again

    This is a video I captured at the balota airstrip, someone sneaked up behind me and.. Well.. Tell me what you think of the editing, I'm an amateur :)
  11. maninthewall

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    New zed Frankie is that u?
  12. maninthewall

    Strange Zed behaviour

    Well basically you're doing them a favor O and DAT MUSIC
  13. maninthewall

    Avenging a Bambi!

    That FOV.. damn..
  14. maninthewall

    Lovely People out there...

    It's just damn fun killing people without communicating, you feel so much more superior than them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1fEMuq68OE&list=UUeIRKx8LN3ydQ_U6qDIqJ0A
  15. maninthewall

    8 Steps to PvP in DayZ

    Wobo ur a beast
  16. maninthewall

    Careless bambi

    This is a little clip I catched when hunting players around Chernarus. Usually bambis try and punch geared players, but this fella simply did not give a damn Also this is my first video ever :)
  17. maninthewall

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Does persistence work?
  18. maninthewall

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Thanks man
  19. maninthewall

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    So there is persistent storage now? Didn't see it in the patch notes but I see there's something about persistence in the "Issues" notes.. Anyone know?
  20. maninthewall

    Beware of TKTSO Bug (maybe).

    This. I only use casual clothing, never camo Wish more people would
  21. maninthewall

    quick question on bags/tents/persist

    Everything you drop on the ground will stay and tents will stay But can anyone answer this question, has the character reset been and do tents work on stable yet?
  22. maninthewall

    Follow the power lines, they said...

    They do, if you follow them right..