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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    looking for a co-server owner

    i dont know sh*t but if it means i can kick cowards in berezino then yes i would love to be a coowner
  2. maninthewall

    Multiple Character Slots

    I totally agree with OP! I wish to see this happen, because I have a group I always play more realistic and friendlier with, then I have a skype crew that always wants to shoot bandits. This would be great
  3. maninthewall


    Yeah, the real problem is that no one is anywhere but berezino/NEAF. It makes the game boring for those who go inland, since no one else goes there
  4. maninthewall

    Really need help.

    If you really didn't hack you should contact battleye support
  5. maninthewall

    I need me a pair of Binos

    Garages is a good place to look
  6. maninthewall

    Hero vs Bandit rap battle!

    Bandit won, but it's because his rap was about being a real bandit, none of that KoS BS Edit: Sorry, I realise now he's rapping a lot about KOS, but it doesn't matter, his accent makes him the winner anyway
  7. They should just make it harder to find food, it's not even hard to get your whole mountain backpack full of cans What I mean is that is should be hard to even get 2 cans of beans, that food is your high value target, not weapons or killing That's just what I think
  8. maninthewall

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Why? I don't see a reason to have them in the game, just bring us bikes and civillian cars and thats it
  9. maninthewall

    Stuck in a glitch

    I killed a bandit in berezino and took his gear, I heard someone shooting people from one of the apartments, and I ran that direction. Once I was in front of the apartment building, I tried sneaking up the stairs, but I glitched through the staircase and now im stuck underneath the whole apartment. What do I do? I've tried everything to get out,
  10. I sorted it out, but whenever I record my mic is very noisy so you can't hear the game, i tried that noise setting but it didnt work either.. Should I just get a new mic or is it the program? My friends tell me my mic isn't noisy in skype calls.
  11. maninthewall

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    Every time I play this game as a friendly, I get shot in the face atleast once a day, but now when I shoot armed players, or rob them, I survive for much longer. My character has been alive for 6 days now and I've got countless kills Tired of being a hero
  12. maninthewall

    Bring 100 player servers back

    I know this has probably been suggested a lot, but I've had the most fun ive ever had in DayZ on the 100 player servers. Why can't you?
  13. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Sorry if im late to the party. I've heard people talking about experimental and the AKM. Is it patched again? Is the AKM in? What's new?
  14. maninthewall

    More WW2 guns?

    M16A1 <3
  15. maninthewall

    More WW2 guns?

    Why not?
  16. maninthewall

    More WW2 guns?

    Call me crazy, but guns that has a wooden body feels more "survivor-ish" to me Not sure if I'm the only one
  17. maninthewall

    Pleeeaaaseeee heeeellllppppp mmmeeeee

    ur fkd m8
  18. maninthewall

    The AK Sound

    Every gun this far has a pretty decent gun soune except for the M4
  19. maninthewall


    So basically a can of peaches equals the amount of calories you should consume per day? Smells peachy..
  20. Can I boost to make my own voice sound louder? I sound too quite in game
  21. maninthewall


    I don't really care how many times you say you're friendly, or how many times you want to help me, if you have any mask on, you're a moving target in my book Anyone else? They're basically made for bandits
  22. maninthewall

    Non kos is as much of a thrill as kos

    KoS is not even a thrill..
  23. maninthewall

    Camo Helmets?

    Sure this would be a nice add. I really couldn't care less for camo clothing but a lot of poeple tend to like it. It seems simple enough to be in the next update, I mean why not
  24. The football field next to the very north main road requires a ball so we can play football. I think my character is quite sick of just running around looting, and would enjoy taking a break with some football with his buds. Basically you would be able to push the ball around by walking into it inb4americanscallitsoccer