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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    what dayz needs and will probably never get

    I don't wanna be that guy but... Pre-alpha.
  2. maninthewall

    Character bugged, need a mercy killing.

    Okay cool GL
  3. maninthewall

    This just happened.

    You just got DayZ'd
  4. maninthewall

    Character bugged, need a mercy killing.

    I guess me and my bud could, we're in svetlo. When are you on?
  5. maninthewall

    Trouble with racist names

    Why even bother?
  6. maninthewall

    Embarrassments in DayZ

    Me and my friend were looting the east prison on NEAF, and we were using in game comms, I told him to go upstairs to where I was because the door up there was closed, and I heard a mosin shot. I ran downstairs and saw this guy with black ballistic helmet, I thought it was my friend but I looked in the little jail room and saw my friend laying down, bleeding, so I sprayed the other dude down with my M4 and suddenly I hear "woah" from the outside. Some scottish fresh spawn was outside just spectating, I told him go get inside and I closed the door behind him. I told him to check that little door upside because it was closed, as my unconcious friend is still laying down bleeding in the jail room, I told him that this a-hole with black helmet had shot him. Another minute passes and I forget that my friend is unconcious, not dead, so I went to bandage him but it was too late. I felt so embarressed that instead of talking to this scottish fresh spawn, I could have saved him and his gear. I didn't tell him that I had the option to though, lol But hey it hasnt bothered me anything since. And also I let the scottish guy have the gear that was left, nice guys like me still exist in this game :D
  7. maninthewall


    No need to write a bible yo, I was simply being sarcastic in my second post, whether you like it or not
  8. maninthewall


    i hope you realise i was being sarcastic
  9. maninthewall


    yeah i registered january 2013 but never played the mod :(((
  10. maninthewall


    Oh god no not suppressors this game is turning into COD
  11. maninthewall

    PvP Event in Svelojarsk

    PvP in one of the spawn cities.. Yaaay just what we need
  12. Please explain.. I know you're out there
  13. Absolutely terrible ideas
  14. This is gonna help the game in what way exactly?
  15. maninthewall

    My Wish

    Whenever I try to roleplay with people I meet in towns they go like "Hey are you new to this game?" lol seriously.
  16. maninthewall

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    anyone got tl;dr version?
  17. maninthewall

    Is There a Blue Tac. Shirt?

    Haha you've got to be kidding. Check shirts are popular among male adults, especially models, all around the world.
  18. maninthewall

    Is There a Blue Tac. Shirt?

    Goofy? Check shirts = Hero clothing
  19. maninthewall

    Is There a Blue Tac. Shirt?

    Use blue tshirts aww ye
  20. maninthewall

    Need to take a s##t message

  21. maninthewall


  22. maninthewall


    It's about time to change the spawns again, don't you think? Berezino is a big deathmatch, and I know there is a simple solution for this. Don't go there. But let's be honest, there shouldnt be a place like this in a zombie apocalypse simulator. Let's mix up the spawns so you can spawn anywhere on the coast, it's really hard trying to make friends in hotspots when there's a bunch of cowards running around shooting unarmed bambis.
  23. maninthewall

    looking for a co-server owner

    can they prove it? nooooo