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Everything posted by maninthewall

  1. maninthewall

    Any News on Global Chat?

    No, metagaming is one of many things that's wrong with this game.
  2. maninthewall

    Dayz Surviving of the land

    What the **** are you trying to say?
  3. maninthewall

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    400 hours played and I have never met any hackers, am I the only one? Honestly, there have been some BS moments, but I have been able to explain what happened to myself. So if you think hackers are a current problem, I think maybe you should think twice or just stop getting so mad because you lost your gear.
  4. maninthewall

    after death run back to storage ?

    Let's just pretend we're all buddhists.
  5. maninthewall

    PC Help!

    Get a new everything
  6. maninthewall

    Where the animals at ?

    That fkn flare guy got my friend killed yesterday, he kept on running around as we were stealthy, and lighted up our spot so one guy with an SKS shot him. I successfully ran away but leaving the town I could see that flare constantly moving around.. Weird how he hasnt got killed
  7. maninthewall

    PC Help!

    What..?? Yeah, but get a new processor aswell. I'd suggest a i5-3570k.
  8. maninthewall

    plz do the new patch with this

    Do you realise that everything you just posted was stupid?
  9. maninthewall

    Some good info about cooking

    Well according to my cooking skills burned food doesn't make me sick
  10. maninthewall

    GATEWAY DX4380-ER36 - Can it run?

    No, no, no Intel i5-3750k, GTX 680 and 16 GB ram then we're talking
  11. Good read. I'm entertained. Not a big fan of AKs anyway, I prefer Mosins
  12. maninthewall

    Sticks on forest floor?

    What kinds of bush? (pic)
  13. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I really think they nailed the new town, it brings back a lot of memories from Sabina in the DayZ Taviana mod. Screenshots:
  14. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    The rubberbanding makes the experimental unplayable..
  15. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Anyone else crashing upon interaction with other players? I just met someone at the boat, and immediately crashed. Hope he didn't kill me after I crashed :/
  16. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    100 player servers please :D
  17. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    So basically you combine rags and sticks, then light it on fire?
  18. maninthewall

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Anyone know how to make a fireplace yet?
  19. maninthewall

    All I really want is EPOCH SA

    No, all we really need is basebuilding, vehicles to some extent, more weapons and cooking mechanics. Then it's all done IMO
  20. Everytime I for example search for a server, find no results, and go back to the normal filter I can't find any servers! I have to restart the game for just to get some servers showing again! This also happens when I refresh servers a lot. Please fix this, very annoying.
  21. maninthewall

    can someone come kill me?

  22. maninthewall

    Funny Berenzino apt. experience

    You're probably one of those cowards who camp staircases in berezino, shooting everyone that comes in
  23. maninthewall

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Yeah. Turns out hipfiring with the little white dot is more accurate than the actual gun sights :P