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Everything posted by davidneedshelp

  1. IP: PORT: 3255 To find our server check out: QuantumServers Epoch | AI missions | AI | Anti-Hack | Towing/Airlifting | Vehicle Crafting | Bandit City | Auto Refuel | no building restrictions A Little bit about ourselfs: we are a very large Island Life community, with leading scripts, development and players, we now have branched out to start a Dayz Epoch Server. We Have Built up a epoch server/mission pbo to have the upt-most quality. WE have a very High entangle ment of scripts we have put in to help the Dayz Feel a lot more complete. To Start off with our Features: We have Self-Blood bag Animated Heli crashes Animated An2's Ai C130's droping cargo (Vehicles and Cargo boxes) Lots of Custom Bases: Dynamic AI patrols 10 Ai huey patrols (better then the hueys in origins watch out) Ai missions Salvation City BUILDABLE Vehicles: 16 of them Cars, little birds, Black hawks, hummvees, Vodnics, MUCH MORE! (have a tool box to build) Zombie Emitter Auto Refuel Skin Wardrobe Booby Traps NPC Bus route Towing/Airlift Smelting (make vehicle parts/Ammo) LOTS LOTS More Come join us 600+ vehicles NO LAGG Anti-Hack NEED STAFF We are a very enjoyable Epoch server looking for new friendly faces! Building restrctions removed, no more pole shit, can build on roads, More buildables
  2. Newly added in 18 new buildable vehicles, 34 new bases/forts/wrecks you can loot, smelting objects and more AI mission types!
  3. To Start off id like to list our website, www.bestestservers.com And our Teamspeak ts3.bestestservers.com A Little bit about ourselfs: we are a very large Island Life community, with leading scripts, development and players, we now have branched out to start a Dayz Epoch Server. We Have Built up a epoch server/mission pbo to have the upt-most quality. WE have a very High entangle ment of scripts we have put in to help the Dayz Feel a lot more complete. To Start off with our Features: New Damiymo's Base building 1.2 + 40 New buildables We Have Halo Jump in, Random loadout on Login, Random Skin on login, We have Self-Blood bag Animated Heli crashes Animated An2's Ai C130's droping cargo (Vehicles and Cargo boxes) Lots of Custom Bases: Dynamic AI patrols 10 Ai huey patrols (better then the hueys in origins watch out) Ai missions Salvation City BUILDABLE Vehicles: 16 of them Cars, little birds, Black hawks, hummvees, Vodnics, MUCH MORE! (have a tool box to build) Zombie Emitter Auto Refuel Skin Wardrobe Booby Traps NPC Bus route Towing/Airlift Smelting (make vehicle parts/Ammo) LOTS LOTS More Come join us 600+ vehicles NO LAGG Anti-Hack NEED STAFF We are a very enjoyable Epoch server looking for new friendly faces! Building restrctions removed, no more pole shit, can build on roads, More buildables
  4. To Start off id like to list our website,www.bestestservers.com And our Teamspeak ts3.bestestservers.com A Little bit about ourselfs: we are a very large Island Life community, with leading scripts, development and players, we now have branched out to start a Dayz Epoch Server. IP: We Have Built up a epoch server/mission pbo to have the upt-most quality. WE have a very High entangle ment of scripts we have put in to help the Dayz Feel a lot more complete. To Start off with our Features: New Damiymo's Base building 1.2 + 40 New buildables We Have Halo Jump in, Random loadout on Login, Random Skin on login, We have Self-Blood bag Animated Heli crashes Animated An2's Ai C130's droping cargo (Vehicles and Cargo boxes) Lots of Custom Bases: Dynamic AI patrols 10 Ai huey patrols (better then the hueys in origins watch out) Ai missions Salvation City BUILDABLE Vehicles: 16 of them Cars, little birds, Black hawks, hummvees, Vodnics, MUCH MORE! (have a tool box to build) Zombie Emitter Auto Refuel Skin Wardrobe Booby Traps NPC Bus route Towing/Airlift Smelting (make vehicle parts/Ammo) LOTS LOTS More Come join us 600+ vehicles NO LAGG Anti-Hack NEED STAFF We are a very enjoyable Epoch server looking for new friendly faces! Building restrctions removed, no more pole shit, can build on roads, More buildables