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Everything posted by davidneedshelp

  1. = DAYZ Lingor = NO LAG FULL MOON NIGHT TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES v1.7.5.1 IP: NAME: DayzLingor+ | Custom map,custom buildings AI Patrols | 24/7 day | | Latest Arma 2 Build 200+ vehicles SLOTS: 50 CHECK YOUR SERVER RANK: http://www.gametrack...92.200.93:3391/ ********************************************************************************************************* SERVER SPECIALS: *SPECIAL CUSTOM CHERNARUS mission file 1.35 mb TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES - 500 vehicles - 20 helicopters - 10 Humvee - Mi 8 (5x) - Apache (3x Apache per server) - 30 x Military bases - Shop System only buy and sell ammo and guns - Dogs - Modern Vehicles - Airplanes - Auto Refuel at pumps - High military loot - South is godnness (At coast: Lot of Super Markets, Apartmans, Restoraunts and other Building + lot of Military bases and Industrials buidlings) LOT OF OTHER BUILDINS - Lot of Crash sites - Day Only like 1-2 hours of full moon night - Secret places - Lock your vehicles - High Military loot - New Towns - Less Fog NEW WEAPONS,VEHICLES Auto Refuel script!!!!! high vehicle density!!!! AI soldiers!!!! build your own base!!!!! NO HACKERS BATTLEYE ENABLED! WITH AI SOLDIERS able to kill zeds and players they also steal cars and drive hawks Custom Vehicles nightstalker venom ka52 lynx mi24 lav25 LOTS MORE!
  2. ^ it is vanhilla with tow and heli lift and ais, the rest is player build stuff.
  3. = DAYZ CHERNO = NO LAG FULL MOON NIGHT TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES v1.7.6.1 IP: NAME: DayzCherno+ | Custom map,custom buildings AI Patrols | 24/7 day | | Latest Arma 2 Build 200+ vehicles SLOTS: 50 CHECK YOUR SERVER RANK: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ********************************************************************************************************* SERVER SPECIALS: *SPECIAL CUSTOM CHERNARUS mission file 1.35 mb TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES - 500 vehicles - 20 helicopters - 10 Humvee - Mi 8 (5x) - Apache (3x Apache per server) - 30 x Military bases - Shop System only buy and sell ammo and guns - Dogs - Modern Vehicles - Airplanes - Auto Refuel at pumps - High military loot - South is godnness (At coast: Lot of Super Markets, Apartmans, Restoraunts and other Building + lot of Military bases and Industrials buidlings) LOT OF OTHER BUILDINS - Lot of Crash sites - Day Only like 1-2 hours of full moon night - Secret places - Lock your vehicles - High Military loot - New Towns - Less Fog NEW WEAPONS,VEHICLES Auto Refuel script!!!!! high vehicle density!!!! AI soldiers!!!! build your own base!!!!! NO HACKERS BATTLEYE ENABLED! WITH AI SOLDIERS able to kill zeds and players they also steal cars and drive hawks Custom Vehicles nightstalker venom ka52 lynx mi24 lav25 LOTS MORE!
  4. also its a private dayz, its not public hive and btw it gets pretty fucking boring in vanhilla, its boring having just tents and ural in the bush come play or stop posting.
  5. there isint high loot, you cant find the best gear in 4 hours, you can find a car easy, but you need to repair it, and you cant just "death match" the AI patrols will hunt you down.
  6. its not "wasteland like" its a private dayz server with some good features, wasteland was a waste to start with, this is just simply a lil more car density, you cant get an apache to fly becuase it op, but its there for admins. just try it. Towing and heli lift is enabled, tents should save, and im not sure why meat wont cook.
  7. DayzCherno+ l Custom map with custom vehicles l 24/7 day l l Latest Arma 2 Build 200+ vehicles FEATURES!!! Auto Refuel script!!!!! high vehicle density!!!! AI soldiers!!!! build your own base!!!!! NO HACKERS BATTLEYE ENABLED! WITH AI SOLDIERS able to kill zeds and players they also steal cars and drive hawks Custom Vehicles nightstalker venom ka52 lynx mi24 lav25 LOTS MORE! they are patrolling kill them for loot or let them kill you plus base building! ***** gather matrials tank traps, scrap metal, sandbages, and build permanent walls and gates! -Based In Washington DC -TSW Anti-Hacks -Basic hunting gear(crossbow..... come on and see rest) -Friendly Admins -Heli Crashes - CARE PACKAGES! -200+ Vehicles -Daytime ONLY -Custom Bases - With tips on how to secure it! -Working Heli Lift/Towing Scripts! Future Implementations: -Whitelist -Donar Rewards -Website -[VETERAN] Difficulty -Crosshair:ON -Tracers:ON -3rdperson:ON -DeathMessages:ON -Chat:ON -Waypoints:ON RULES : - No cheating of ANY kind. If you are caught you will be BANNED. - No exploiting of ANY kind. A kick or ban will be issued depending on severity. - No abusing the chat system! - No racism of ANY kind. You may think it's fine, but the person next to you may not. -No Voice on Side Chat, use our teamspeak instead. Also all text chat must be in [ENGLISH] - No complaining to admins if you have been killed. ( Unless it's through unfair standings ) - HAVE FUN!
  8. DayzCherno+ l Custom map with custom vehicles l 24/7 day l l Latest Arma 2 Build 200+ vehicles FEATURES!!! Auto Refuel script!!!!! high vehicle density!!!! AI soldiers!!!! build your own base!!!!! NO HACKERS BATTLEYE ENABLED! WITH AI SOLDIERS able to kill zeds and players they also steal cars and drive hawks Custom Vehicles nightstalker venom ka52 lynx mi24 lav25 LOTS MORE! they are patrolling kill them for loot or let them kill you plus base building! ***** gather matrials tank traps, scrap metal, sandbages, and build permanent walls and gates! -Based In Washington DC -TSW Anti-Hacks -Basic hunting gear(crossbow..... come on and see rest) -Friendly Admins -Heli Crashes - CARE PACKAGES! -200+ Vehicles -Daytime ONLY -Custom Bases - With tips on how to secure it! -Working Heli Lift/Towing Scripts! Future Implementations: -Whitelist -Donar Rewards -Website -[VETERAN] Difficulty -Crosshair:ON -Tracers:ON -3rdperson:ON -DeathMessages:ON -Chat:ON -Waypoints:ON RULES : - No cheating of ANY kind. If you are caught you will be BANNED. - No exploiting of ANY kind. A kick or ban will be issued depending on severity. - No abusing the chat system! - No racism of ANY kind. You may think it's fine, but the person next to you may not. -No Voice on Side Chat, use our teamspeak instead. Also all text chat must be in [ENGLISH] - No complaining to admins if you have been killed. ( Unless it's through unfair standings ) - HAVE FUN!