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Everything posted by davidneedshelp

  1. = DAYZ Taviana = NO LAG FULL MOON NIGHT TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES v1.7.5.1 IP: NAME: DayZ taviana | 200+ vehicles | Tow+ heli lift | AI patrols + build your own base | 24/7 day tavi 2.0 SLOTS: 50 CHECK YOUR SERVER RANK: http://www.gametrack...92.200.93:3391/ TS3 at : ts37.gameservers.com:9174 ********************************************************************************************************* SERVER SPECIALS: TOW AND LIFT VEHICLES Added more lootable buildings, hospitals, barracks, grocery stores. PLAYER BUILT BASES WALLS GATES BASE BUILDING MOD 1.2 - 100 vehicles - 10 helicopters - 5 Humvee - 4 x Military bases + regular loot spots - Dogs - Modern Vehicles - Airplanes - Auto Refuel at pumps - Lot of Crash sites - Day Only like 1-2 hours of full moon night - Secret places - Lock your vehicles - hard to find military loot - New Towns - Less Fog NEW WEAPONS,VEHICLES Auto Refuel script!!!!! high vehicle density!!!! NO HACKERS BATTLEYE ENABLED! WITH AI SOLDIERS able to kill zeds and players they also steal cars and drive hawks Custom Vehicles nightstalker venom humvee with mg LOTS MORE!