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End of DayZ

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Everything posted by End of DayZ

  1. End of DayZ

    Looking for a DayZ Companion(s)!

    Didnt get it. Was the profile pic a Soldier with a sun glare?
  2. End of DayZ

    Looking for a few partners

    Skype= GrizzKhalifa
  3. End of DayZ

    Looking for a group to play with

    Sure hit me up on skype : GrizzKhalifa
  4. End of DayZ

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    Player name :Novah Steam name :steadiedaim Age :17 Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Veteran been playing for like 9 months Role :Sniper, Assault,Pilot Fav. gun combo :M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD,M40A3, and 2 frags Where are you from :United States, New York Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore
  5. End of DayZ

    L85A2 AWS

    Yeah Yeah, Im interested in the L85. I can give you an SVD with 6 mags or a AS50 with 4 NATO Mags Full on Ammo. I'll also throw in a ghillie, NVG's, and some RF's if needed just cant find an L85 so im willing to trade whatever.
  6. End of DayZ

    L85A2 AWS

    I got an SVD camo with a ghillie. Not on a Hive though :\
  7. Sorry I havent replied Tundric but you can have the m107 with RangeFinders, NVG's, and a ghillie suit. Blade ill take your deal. And Chewy dont make advertisements on my thread.
  8. End of DayZ

    Want to trade for a M4A1 CCO SD

    I got an M4A1 CCO SD with 7 mags. No ghillie on this character but Ill trade the m4 for the svd with all the mags
  9. End of DayZ

    Looking for 1 or 2 players

    Add me on Skype GrizzKhalifa
  10. End of DayZ

    Looking for teammates...

  11. End of DayZ

    Looking for teammates...

    Oi! Mate! Add me on skype and well play Ive got one other also!
  12. Add me on Skype Jacatho : Grizzkhalifa
  13. Nv Fal's aren't really my thing and Tundric Ill throw in a pair of Rangefinders if you want aswell.
  14. Yes either you could join a certain server that I have a ton of stuff on or I could join a Hive server which my character is loaded on aswell.
  15. End of DayZ

    Descendants of Valor is recruiting!!

    Sent in a application but teamspeak doent work well for me so.... But i hope I get in! :thumbsup:
  16. Hey guys Just looking for a group to roll with for a few hours tonight and have some fun. My Skype is grizzkhalifa so just hit me up on there if your interested. No requirements just to have a mic and know how to shoot :]
  17. End of DayZ

    1 night stand (Metaphor)

    It may turn into a regular group i just wanna play for now
  18. Bob I kinda have all that stuff but Ill give you an AS50 with 2 NATO Round mags for the DMR and M9SD mags along with the Ak- Kobra
  19. End of DayZ

    Making a Squad on Dayz

    Name: Jake Age: 16 DayZ play time: 5 months My roll: Assault Team Captain Skype: GrizzKhalifa Steam: steadiedaim MIc?: Yup Why should you pick me?: Got over 700 DayZ player kills and Im good with basically every weapon except the NV Fal.
  20. End of DayZ

    Making a Squad on Dayz

    Fraizer im just looking for someone to play with whats your steam name?
  21. Do you need any mags for the M4 or DMR?
  22. Got all of those looking specifically for a M14, FAL, or a MP5SD.
  23. End of DayZ

    Trading an MP5SD, Open to Offers

    Ill take it with the mags. I could give you a RangeFinder and a M4A1 CCO SD ( 4 mags )