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About Hunterliv

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hunterliv

    DayZ Bug List

    Can we still not fix the "Oh you dropped your weapon on the ground?......aaaaaand it's gone." Bug... this has been plaguing players for centuries.
  2. Hunterliv

    I've finally given in to Banditry

    It was the first time i've ever done it. It was fun. But clearly not challenging at all. Its Low Risk, Low Reward... as to being a ask questions first player like I was before which is High Risk, High Reward.
  3. Hunterliv

    I've finally given in to Banditry

    Alright then, Where is this Pirates Code so I can learn the ways of a true Bandit. Cause from what i've seen, Bandits 1.) Spend their day sniping NWAF, NEAF, BAF, ELEKTRO, CHERNO. 2.) Destroying others camps, even though they dont need the gear (WHICH IS HORRIBLE). 3.) Shooting people in the legs and then dragging them to zombies. 4.) KoS, every.... time.
  4. Hunterliv

    I've finally given in to Banditry

    I guess I view it differently, If someone holds me up... and takes my gear and lets me live.. i dont view that as Banditry. Thats just survival and I am just glad to be alive. But NOONE does that, or atleast none i've run into.
  5. Hunterliv

    I've finally given in to Banditry

    My understanding of a Bandit, is someone who obstructs the gameplay of people trying to get loot and survive... Bambi Hunting is well covered in that. Unless I am mistaken.
  6. After two months of playing strictly Ask Questions First, Shoot Second. And dying 100+ times. And failing the elusive quest for a Hero Skin... I took an AS50 to the hills above Balota AF and rained hellfire on the Bambi Community...... and it felt AWESOME!!! I went from 4K Humanity to -5k Humanity in 1 hour and I had the most fun in the game so far. I might not shoot everyone I see from now on, but the server will TREMBLE IN FEAR from my douchebaggery!! Also... General Why you became a Bandit thread!
  7. Hunterliv

    Tell me your best kill...

    I was running from Balota to Cherno, had some other Bambi running near me... he had his hatchet out (Our server spawns with M9's but I guess he didnt have ammo)... anyways I didnt think anything of it. He wasnt trying to kill me but he was streaming music through direct chat. Anyways we get into Cherno, and I go to loot a body and this mofo comes back with ammo and starts shooting at me....(I NEVER shoot first, strict pacifist).. so I wheel around at light speed and drop 3 M9 rounds into his dome piece. I've never looked back... straight bandit mode. B)