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About killer9032

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    On the Coast
  1. killer9032

    Hacking players on ANZ3

    http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons Where abouts does it say it has the M4a1 Holo? Please, enlighten me.
  2. Was playing on ANZ3 tonight (2am Brisbane time) and a couple of players jumped on, each with fully hacked gear. M4a1 Holo SD M203's, GPS, NVG's, Ghille Suits, the works. While I DO realise GPS NVG's and Ghille's are in Day Z, the M4's aren't and then they proceeded to spam global sound effects. One's name was Damnation; the other's I did not find out. My mate managed to get to the bodies of the guys and loot them, here's a screenshot showing the weapon in my mate's inventory; http://i.imgur.com/8aFse.jpg (I'm not sure on how to insert an image, so I hope an off-site link URL is okay.) And no, he does not have the weapon anymore as we know you can banned for having it in your posession.