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Everything posted by killintimetodie

  1. DAYZ CHERNO+ Active admins- 99.9% hack free So, as we don't have any complete list of what we offer, here is a list of the mods we have made to the vanilla map. We have 10+ new locations, including new military and medical FOBs, new industrial areas by both northern airfields, a bridge to Stalisty island where you will find FOB Banjo and the US Navy extraction force off the coast. We have also included some new functionally to the vanilla mod. This includes the option to refuel using the scroll wheel while in your vehicles, the option to self-bloodbag and also more control with parachuting, via HALO jumps. We also have animated heli crashes, so watch the skies! The self-bloodbag script is accessed via the scroll menu, when the bloodbag is in your main inventory, and will take 60 seconds to apply. It will give you 4000 blood, and has a 10% infection rate. The HALO jump script is also accessed from the scroll menu, while in aircraft. Once you have jumped, you are given the option to Pull Chute, again found in your scroll menu. Don't leave it too late to pull your chute (100m and below) ________________________________________________ Since we had some downtime, I took the opportunity to bring back our old friends, the AI. We have now got static AI groups at the following locations: THE GREENZONE: HERO AI; [fortify / protection from bambi farmers]THE LAST STAND: HERO AI; [on patrol] FOB RASHNYA: HERO AI; [on patrol] FOB BANJO: HERO AI; [on patrol] AIRCRAFT CARRIER: HERO AI; [something to loot !] CHERNO ARMORY : BANDIT AI; [fortify / make the armory more challenging] There are also HERO AI Heli patrols at the airfields and also along the coast. HERO AI will only shoot at bandits with humanity below -10000. BANDIT AI shoot at everyone. The HERO AI are in Soldier skins, while the BANDIT AI are in Bandit skins. We also offer custom player bases for donators, along with permanent skins for clans and single players. We will be adding lockable gates soon to add to the security of these bases. Donations Will get you a custom skin all the way up to a player base. Weapons will not be given for donations. Please visit website for more details. Web: Dayzchernoplus.ca TS: berkelium.typefrag.com:6720 Server: DAYZCHERNO+ SERVER NOW @ OR FILTER FOR DAYZCHERNO+
  2. Be sure to tell your friends :)
  3. killintimetodie

    Need a server you can hall home?

    DAYZ CHERNO+ Active admins- 99.9% hack free So, as we don't have any complete list of what we offer, here is a list of the mods we have made to the vanilla map. We have 10+ new locations, including new military and medical FOBs, new industrial areas by both northern airfields, a bridge to Stalisty island where you will find FOB Banjo and the US Navy extraction force off the coast. We have also included some new functionally to the vanilla mod. This includes the option to refuel using the scroll wheel while in your vehicles, the option to self-bloodbag and also more control with parachuting, via HALO jumps. We also have animated heli crashes, so watch the skies! The self-bloodbag script is accessed via the scroll menu, when the bloodbag is in your main inventory, and will take 60 seconds to apply. It will give you 4000 blood, and has a 10% infection rate. The HALO jump script is also accessed from the scroll menu, while in aircraft. Once you have jumped, you are given the option to Pull Chute, again found in your scroll menu. Don't leave it too late to pull your chute (100m and below) We also offer custom player bases for donators, along with permanent skins for clans and single players. We will be adding lockable gates soon to add to the security of these bases. Donations Will get you a custom skin all the way up to a player base. Weapons will not be given for donations. Please visit website for more details. Web: Dayzchernoplus.ca TS: berkelium.typefrag.com:6720 Server IP:
  4. killintimetodie

    Need a server you can hall home?

    I think its just fine right here. Its posted for new player to see. Obviously. So get off my nuts.
  5. killintimetodie

    Hello , I need a server to bend in.

    You can be my Wing man. You obviously like to scavenge and stock up.. Me? I am different I kill anything that moves. I give fresh spawns a chance. But as soon as they pick up a rifle they are done. If your down for that hit me up on steam. killintimetodie89
  6. killintimetodie

    -=5TH LAR=-

    Hey everyone. We are looking for more people to join our servers to become regulars. If you are looking to join post here or follow the link below and sign up. Website: http://dayzinwasteland.enjin.com/ TS3: ts101.light-speed.com:4888 Dayz Chernarus server Our Dayz server has custom buildings, Bases, 20 plus choppers still available due to the low volume of occupancy. We will be holding contests for custom vehicles, weapons, etc Giveaways Clans are welcome. IP:
  7. killintimetodie

    Looking for more members.

    Hey everyone. We are looking for more people to join our clan/servers to become regulars. If you are looking to join post her or follow the link below and sign up. Website: http://dayzinwasteland.enjin.com/ TS3: ts101.light-speed.com:4888 We have 2 servers. Dayz Chernarus and a Wasteland server. Our Dayz server has custom buildings, Bases, 20 plus choppers still available due to the low volume of occupancy. We will be holding contests for custom vehicles, weapons, etc Clans are welcome. IP:
  9. I like this server but it needs more people. First 10 people to post at this forum and join the server gets loadout of choice. ;)
  10. killintimetodie

    You are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE

    Mines saying the exact opposite it says server is running 1.7.6-finalising and I am running goto dayzmod.com/downloads to download file... (page doesn't exist)
  11. killintimetodie

    Dayz Origins not updating.

    I have Dayz Commander and there was an update for origins, when i tried to update it said the downloading file is corrupt. Then it asks if i wanna delete it and re-download and the error still occurs. Any ideas? Thanks.
  12. killintimetodie

    Looking for clan/team mate

    Add me on skype str3ngthwithin Im looking for someone to play with that is on regularly. I play on a whitelisted server: There is bout 10 of us total but not everyone is on regularly like myself.
  13. killintimetodie

    Making a new squad of skilled players JOIN FAST

    How old are you: 23 Your time zone (GMT): PST Your in-game name(IGN):Killintimetodie Your real name:Vic Skype:str3ngthwithin Sniper.
  14. killintimetodie

    DayZ Mod Update

    Magic Zombie hits, Running by a zombie and getting hit when he dont even swing, Zombies glitching through walls to hit you, etc
  15. killintimetodie

    DayZ Mod Update

    When will you guys fix the food and drink ordeal? Those run low too fast. The vision thing with the zombies should go away. ZOMBIES CANNOT SEEE
  16. killintimetodie

    Death Squad

    Looking for a few people who are on regularly around 6 PM PST on week days and anytime on weekends. I like to snipe and kill shit. looking for 2-4 people to create a Death squad. If we get more well.. more the merrier. Nobody younger than 18 unless you are mature for your age. hit me up on skype: str3ngthwithin or post below.
  17. killintimetodie

    We are Notorious. Mature gamers only.

    Nah waste of time.. This aint no interview. Im on regularly that should be good enough.
  18. killintimetodie

    We are Notorious. Mature gamers only.

    Im a real nigga, and im and addict. I like to kill people.
  19. killintimetodie


    You should be fine. graphics may be a lil low but it will work
  20. killintimetodie


    What kind of processor?