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Everything posted by Biquet

  1. Biquet

    Public Server and lost all my gear???

    I had a question too... What about vehicles? I'm on a private server (I think?) and I managed too find an UAZ, I put a lot of gear in it and hid it somewhere. Is this going to stay the way it is on that server? I already went back but it was night and the lights were turned on and it had no fuel anymore. Getting some fuel won't be difficult but I just hope I won't lose all my gear (except if the vehicle is found of course). Can someone reassure me?
  2. Hi all! Is there any way you can know which is the basic gear you have on one particular server? I'm also all about the "start with (basically) nothing" idea and I have some trouble finding servers where you don't start with either maps or weapons. The map isn't necessary at all btw, I like to locate myself using the map on dayzdb or on dayzcentral, that feels more "real" then using a map with auto-tracking.