#1 i would love to se an option to team up in lobby and spawn as a group on the same random spawn location? #2 fix the spawn issue that ruins this game... Everybody suiciding to get closest to your mates or body, for exampel.. If you could add 2 options.. Spawn random on south coast or spawn random on east coast. Even better is 2 spawns on each coast, like 1 spawn east part of the south coast 1 spawn west part of the south coast And 1 spawn north part of the east coast 1 spawn south part of the east coast #2 maybe add so you can build your own spawn point in your camp? Maybe overkill but it would be awesome :) forcing the use of all the map instead of south fresh killers ;) I know I'm not the only one that has spent hours trying to spawn close to my mates suicide over and over again... And the frustration when you spawn like kamenka and need to run for ages until you can die... Thx for me // Markus "Zolitude" Andersson