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About m0s3s

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    On the Coast
  1. Agreed. Pretty interesting really, i just asked when is the speculation for dayZ release, if it is too long i m going to get WarZ 1st, then some of em bark like a crazy *ss d*g. no offense but that is really what i feel. just answer my question and keep the humour to yourself..lol.. why is there such a little picture? is the development going slower than expected? also can someone tell me where to get SUPER CHEAP arma 2 combined operation?
  2. Well the only way to know for sure is to play WarZ myself, recently they patched the game fixed few things and added few things in contrast with what people said about the dev. and if you think they dont deserve to be talked politley that is your problem, i still stand by my principle as a human in a community. sigh that is why i hate to ask stuff. just answer the question rather than giving me a wall full of text that i already know about. @zeppa "what you consider "bullcr*p" and they are proven" <=== what did i consider bullcr*p? what have been proven and what not? but nvm that, WarZ Dev DID release the statement for the moment at let us see if they begin to fix that game or not. gosh its like minecraft or terraria , alienware laptop and dead island again ! in the meantime the DayZ standalone picture does look promising, hope it will be better than the mod itself !
  3. Yes i gave my opinion as well that i care it is a mod or not. since for 30$ i believe i can get both WarZ and DayZ. Thanks for the opinion and no one said anyone is holding anyone, only the release date is :) it is solely my choice that is why i asked "when is the release date / speculation" not "is it worth it". Anyway Thank you for your concern.
  4. Yes they even have one for indonesian server. i believe most country has their own private (pirated) server as well. but then again he laughing probably thinking im talking about warz is a pirated version of dayz
  5. means downloading a cracked version of the game.
  6. the important is the gameplay actually for me. if the gameplay is bad, sorry im not going to buy it. rather than researching on talking crap that has no prove whatsoever , i am good on the gameplay research and a little fact research (can be proven).. then again have u seen the core engine not based on the gameplay? or is it like 'oh ok the others says it and im going to say it as well'. they can change how the core engine works, and the newest update is they promise a better META gameplay after their deceit and blow off. 'copycat team'? sorry i dont think so. i dont care how many mods arma 2 has, bottomline is i wont buy a full game juz for the mod. assholey dev? from how you express your opinion, sir, learn to talk politely. even if they make a mistake atleast they are being responsible now by releasing a statement. we will see how it goes. im not trying to offend you, but what i ask is "when is DayZ going to be released / speculation". i dont need words that cant be proven (bullcr*p) sorry if anyone feel offended. oh and i just posted on warZ forum. the member told me to not waste my money as nothing is happening on the dev side just yet. dang i am so not patient to get my hands on survival zombie game after finishing dead island !! i hope WarZ get fixed really soon or DayZ get released 3 months later !! either way those two wont get out of my buylist!
  7. yes you are right the zombos are heavily bugged even the movement and shamble is strange. I heard they are trying to fix this problem and the dev team has addressed an apology steam and the gamers comunnity about their bad conduct. well WarZ has many advantages too... i know about DayZ Pros and Cons. but then again i dont want a mod. so i think im going to buy the DayZ when it is released as a standalone games. Thanks for the fast reply !! Cheers mate!
  8. i did and i saw not much diffrence in gameplay and since dayZ is still a mod, i dont wanna hand my cash for a game just for the mod. and i dont really wanna use pirated means either as 30$ is a big price if converted to indonesian rupiah nowdays.. so i need a speculation on the release date wheter 5 more months or 1 year later.. Oh ! thanks for your answer Smasht_AU and thanks for your concern Fraggle. any speculation will do by the dev team of dayZ !! so, care to give me a rough speculation?
  9. hey, i really need an estimate release date on this standalone.. if it was still a long long way before i can get my hands on it.. i am considering of buying the warZ.. so can someone give me an estimate?