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Everything posted by joshishat

  1. joshishat

    FragGaming Dayz server (custommm!!)

    server has changed hosts, same map, map custom stuff come play!
  2. Lol well looks like you aren't the only Dayz server of theirs to get hacked and experience shitty tech support.
  3. joshishat

    FragGaming Dayz server (custommm!!)

    Is this server running the new beta patch?
  4. joshishat

    FragGaming Dayz server (custommm!!)

    I think I saw a cat on the server?
  5. joshishat

    FragGaming Dayz server (custommm!!)

    been light all day for me
  6. joshishat

    FragGaming Dayz server (custommm!!)

    500 vehicles is what is needed on this map it is huge and virtually unplayable with only a little vehicles. Also I'm excited to see these custom bases.