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Everything posted by thehero

  1. thehero

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Hell I'll hope on board the hype train I have been reading the last 50 or do pages and you guys have made me laugh
  2. thehero

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    Don't worry buddy I'll sneak some rum in your coke ;)
  3. thehero

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    I'll just stroke my umm ahem mouse and keyboard yeah yeah that's what I'll do
  4. thehero

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    Hmmmm well I mean it has to be on steam early access sometime before release right? I'm trying my hardest to not get excited but I can't hold back! I just really really want this game in my hands so I can stroke it and pet it and call it my naught naughty pet
  5. thehero

    PATCH 1.8.1 - Base Building Stage 1

    I have not played epoch but isn't it basically wasteland with zombies thrown in?
  6. thehero

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    My only major problem is the range of zombie attacks and how much damage they do. They have what seems like about a 6 foot attack reach plus they don't need to do the animation to hit you any more if you walk behind a zombie and brush against his back or shoulder you get hit or are even close I would be fine with this but with the amount of damage they do it gets really frustrating when you get hit 3 times and are down to 1/2 blood. I do love the new infection and bleeding mechanics A+ on that
  7. thehero


    Hell I haven't been able to find a single tent since the update not for a lack of trying mind you
  8. I love the spawn option I choose berizino every time which is far superior to electro or cherno plus its really nice when playing with friends besides the old way people would just suicide till they had what they wanted
  9. I can't get Arma 3 zoombies to work for me it always crashes my game before it finishes loading I say stick with Arma 2 and the original mod plus I think Arma 2 is more fun currently or at least until more content comes and fps issues are solved
  10. I once used a tractor to dislodge a bi-plane from a tree I kept ramming the plane eventually the tractor exploded ejecting me from it but my buddy saved me needless to say it was hilarious
  11. That's why I like killing people that look like they are doing well for themselves they usually have some really good stuff. Killed a person in the woods near khelm the other day had 3 antibiotics and 10 blood bags! Not to mention a chec backpack a dmr nvgs and range finders I'm sure he was pissed especially since we were in the woods in the middle of nowhere
  12. I run Arma 3 fine the only thing that lags really awfully is the wasteland servers but I was told it had to do with the coding of the mission its self that was messing with performance just take a deep breath relax and wait I'm sure everything will work out fine :)
  13. thehero

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Great update! I love the melee slot best thing since sliced bread. One odd thing I have noticed is that when using my hatchet to kill zombies it seems I am attracting an infinite amount of zombies as if I was firing a main weapon even if I'm standing still swinging my hatchet at zombies they still come from all over the place even around building corners and such
  14. thehero


    But they built and customized an engine to fit their needs using the Arma 3 engine would not work well for an mmo style game so if anything they made a great decision by not going that route
  15. thehero


    I can't get Arma 3 dayz to work for me it makes my game crash every time I have never even gotten into a game so I can't really vouch for the gameplay but I can hope the dayz sa won't crash like that. Although I can't really vouch for that either its just a hope
  16. thehero

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    Gotta agree on this one good amount of players pure vanilla sweetness and I have never seen the admins abuse their power (sad that is a selling point now a days) I personally recommend it as well
  17. I have only had this happen once it was on a dayz server with extra buildings and I think a few custom scripts (auto fuel and towing) I shot someone about 400 m with an m24 the first shot knocked him out I the preceded to put about 5-8 rounds into his body with no effect he even had time to get up get to cover and bandage with out bleeding out somehow. I believe however it was the lag because at the time this server was lagging very bad and was close to reset so it may have been that
  18. thehero

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Honestly I would be 100% happy if it just didn't kill you. Maybe make you super weak like 2k blood or something? Keep the infection rate and how fast you drop but keep it from killing you straight up. This way your weak enough to want to find antibiotics but its not so much of an immediate death sentence.
  19. Will we be able to sneak up and knock people out with a brick or the butt of your gun for instance. That way you can easier rob or restrain a player
  20. thehero

    Matt and Dean

    You'll never take me alive damn red coats! AMERICA!!! FUCK YEAH!
  21. thehero

    My birthday is in Tulga

    I just went to that server it spawns you with mt dew morphine cooked meat pdw and g36c so why in the world would you say to bring morphine?
  22. thehero

    Rocket said..

  23. thehero

    A quick questions

    I would make sweet love to you razor if you could do this
  24. thehero

    New infection type idea
