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Everything posted by thehero

  1. thehero

    'Trust no-one' - is that really good advice?

    Hmmm well if I can make first contact with someone I will try to diffuse the situation I won't keep my eyes off them or turn my back to them it really depends on where we are how we ran into each other if they refuse to communicate I will warn them once or twice and then kill them I have never been betrayed but I take extreme care with run ins and so far I've done pretty good. This doesn't include kos people or bandits of course I just return fire at that point
  2. thehero


    I will say the first two times I tried to fly the biplane I stalled on take off and crashed and died
  3. thehero


    I'm having way to much fun reading this thread I need more sleep
  4. thehero


    Oh I know give them nukes! Like what the hackers do! But just make them rare it won't be overpowered then
  5. thehero


    That's like playing in the server with the hind or apache its the most annoying fucking thing ever because people abuse them by blowing ever car and person up and then just flying up and down the coast killing fresh spawns
  6. thehero

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    I got a biplane stuck on a tree and was using a tractor to try and ram it back and dislodge it the tractor exploded and threw me out killing me that's what I get for trying to pick people up at balota!
  7. thehero

    Hero Or Bandit? [POLL]

    I have always wondered how do you go about finding the bandits?
  8. thehero

    Hero Or Bandit? [POLL]

    Depends on how I feel some days I try to help others some days I just shoot on site for target practice (I am a really shitty shot)
  9. thehero

    Limited Capacity Testing has begun.

    My body is ready..... I have never been more excited for a game release in my life even halo 2 and that was some serious shit man
  10. Dude with waypoints you don't even need a GPS
  11. thehero

    How Many Days Have You Survived?

    I stopped playing on public hives awhile ago and then when I finally logged in I had 99 days
  12. thehero

    Zombie AI

    I think he was talking about the stand alone
  13. thehero

    Zombie AI

    I got to agree that would be a fun thing to see could open up more team play as well your buddy could snipe the lead zed causing them to slow down enough for you to escape Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't dead island have something somewhat similar to this?
  14. thehero

    sometimes dayz hate me

    I know how it feels I had a game ruined the other night by a hacker making people permanently fly in the air morph into animals knock us out with the evr thing from namalsk then just to teleport us all to him to kill us all ah well so is the game we all suffer to enjoy
  15. thehero

    Lag hack?

    I have found when someone starts hacking on a server especially spawning in gear that server gets more lag till it resets
  16. I just like to see a few extra vehicles not 5 billion all fully repaired and fueled but just enough not to consider finding one a miracle. Also night please keep night in
  17. thehero

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    Some bases main missions are medic oriented tho which is why you would see more medevac type aircraft. I live near a big air force base and I see a little bit of everything
  18. thehero

    DayZ SA NEEDS basements (seriously)

    I literally could not stop laughing at this you have my support op I'll be right there next to you bringing in fresh slaves for the trade
  19. thehero

    DayZ Needs a Tank

    Gotta agree with this much more rewarding as well
  20. thehero

    New 80M aggro radius.

    I thought it was generally accepted that zombies had bad eyesight? You know the whole rotting corpse thing messed up some of there senses
  21. Its fun to mess around once in a blue moon but the server I play on doesn't even spawn you with a backpack just one more added difficulty and it has night!!! Which now a days is almost impossible to find a server with nights on! I love playing at night so much more intense on both the zed and player level
  22. thehero

    Exploding Bear Trap

    As long as the items to do such a trap is rare I would love it. If the items were to common everybody would be blowing up
  23. thehero

    Logout Timer

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I was told hitting right shift And P will insta disconnect you for a script restriction if that's true doesn't it bypass this whole reason?
  24. thehero

    Easter egg request

    Haha I love it! Absolutely priceless