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Everything posted by thehero

  1. thehero

    Remove Starter Flashlight; Bring Back Flares

    I agree 100% I hate the flashlight and refuse to use it flares on the other hand I insanely useful...... So bring on the flares!!!!
  2. I'm pretty sure if you report the key stolen to BE they will ban or deactivate the key.... don't quote me on that though.
  3. thehero

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    I'm not sold on the idea I like the thought process behind it but holding a key could be cumbersome and could get confusing if you are trying to do other things maybe a toggle? I am partial to Arma 3 system
  4. thehero

    Bandit Skin

    Hmmmmm odd the only two buttons I have on the bottom is full version and English. I will have to hunt for said button I suppose
  5. thehero

    Bandit Skin

    Also when you post white font us mobile users can't read your post its a real hassle.... just a heads up
  6. Dear lord my eyes I'm partially color blind so excuse my ignorance on the parts I couldn't read. Anyways it sounds like a lot of things you want slower zeds more zeds better pathfinding is not something that can be done in the mod I'm sure when the standalone comes out it will be possible. As for the stamina argument I understand what you mean realistically you can't run full gear forever however this is just a game and if the ever put in a slow ass pace like warz I honestly would not play the standalone I guess call me impatient I can not stand sitting holding w for hours while my guy walks 1/2 a mile per hour with the occasional sprinting.
  7. Maxi I hate to say this but zombies are actually really easy. Granted you will die from time to time from the bugs or glitches they have but everyone takes it with a grain of salt as it is a mod after all. As for why they are so fast if I'm not mistaking they were made that way due to the zig zagging (which can't be fixed in the mod) slowing them down to the point of absolutely no threat. There really is no reason to come in here all pissed off and insulting people this mod pisses me off from time to time too and I'm sure everyone else. So chill relax and enjoy what we get while we all wait for the standalone to address all of these issues.
  8. thehero


    Awww poor auslovich What private hives do you guys play on? I'm looking for a new regular anyway
  9. thehero

    Hackers Making You Dance...

    Holy shit you can? I never knew that! I just assumed you had to wait or "dance log" Lol
  10. thehero


    Woo free gear Damn auto correct
  11. And why would you think that? I originally got arma 2 for dayz and knew nothing about the controls and didn't realize you had to click on the bag just to get the option to open it. I assumed when you got a bigger bag the inventory would expand.
  12. I love the idea I have to agree that having hints about the controls has absolutely no impact on gameplay because let's face it no matter how "realistic" this can be its still a game and in real life I wouldn't be confused on how to put a can of beans in my backpack (which took me about 3 weeks to figure out in dayz) so a simple on screen hint is a good idea. Beans for you op
  13. thehero

    Effective range

    Whhhhaaaattttt?? No its common knowledge they disappear just like video games! And I think the effective range is a combination of inaccuracy and loss of power don't quote me tho
  14. Wut.... but seriously had a good laugh at this thread
  15. thehero

    Dynamic Objects (not Dynamic terrain)

    I like it little things like that could keep the game fresh and exciting. And prevents you from getting that boring looting routine
  16. I can't help I would be such a Badass in the apocalypse so why not in dayz? Haha I have never done the halo jump myself
  17. About what time/timezone and days would you like to do this? If it lines up with my schedule I'm in.
  18. thehero

    Spawn Points

    I like the idea of not spawning on the coast it would give you a more "lost" feeling on the coast its very easy to know where you are and to navigate in the middle of the map not so much makes that map/compass that much more valuable
  19. thehero

    DayZ Standalone Helmet Idea

    As long as it is deflecting small caliber rounds I can live with this its a good idea op
  20. I found a heli with 2 bizon SD three fn fals and an m14
  21. I don't feel like it will have a big impact on expectations except for a few things like the smoothness of a3 and maybe a few features like the new stances (which are awesome and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it to be in the Sa) but other than that a3 and dayz sa are two different beasts
  22. thehero

    Cinematic Starts

    Not a bad idea as long as its not a 40 min animation I'm cool with it
  23. thehero

    Mod for arma 3 alpha ?

    that would be pretty awesome I would like to see that map as DLC for the stand alone that map is freaking crazy
  24. thehero

    The DEW challenge.

    I have found one dew before I feel like the odds of finding three in one life is a little out there
  25. Since magazines are going to be separate from the actual bullets themselves in the stand alone I thought of a faster reload option of sorts maybe have the choice when you reload to either drop the mag right away or to put the mag back into your pocket/inventory that way you can choose in the heat of battle to reload faster but risk losing a mag or if you have a chance reload your weapon a little slower but guaranteed you keep the magazine