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Posts posted by tAiNtD

  1. Hi guys,

    I am looking for a group of mature players to join in bandit adventures. I have quite a bit of experience in bandit play and have formed part of previous groups playing across various maps.

    Looking to have some fun, kill some noobs , ambush a squad or two and have a good laugh whiles doing it.

    Message me if you have group I could join or if you are looking for something similar.


  2. In Game Name: tAiNtD

    Position : Filler - Anything that is required

    Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Im new to the game. Iv only played a couple of dayz.

    Microphone (Yes/No): Yes

    Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes

    Link to steam account (Optional): Name: Will provide in TS

    Guid (Optional for when I get XML): Will provide in TS

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