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Everything posted by MisterProPants

  1. Hey I'd be intrested in playing with you guys just hit me up on my skype: thatguywiththepropants.
  2. MisterProPants

    Andrew and Friends looking for more Friends

    Name: Devin In-Game Name: [bP] MisterProPants Location: State / Providence, Country Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. Survivor Experience: 6 months ish Job: Exotic Dancer Interests: Also from [bP]/ having fun
  3. MisterProPants

    [BP] Beck's Privateers [New] [Recruiting]

    In Game Name: MisterProPants Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Rifleman/Medic whatever is needed from me at the time, I'm pretty flexible. Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Played DayZ for about 6 months now, mainly played in small groups or solo. Microphone (Yes/No): Yes Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes Link to steam account (Optional): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022593824