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Everything posted by critler

  1. critler


    Dayz - SE #500 Jamtland Vanu_Anarknas - cheater Blackpunisher - cheater It first started when they got a chopper and flew over me and my friend over and over again. Their chopper blew up and they came down from the air with a parachute, After that they started aiming at us and we took them down, one of the logged out after being incapacatated ? (Around Green montain) We then ran down to balota (airfield) and saw Vanu_Anarknas got 23 kills in like 10 min from spawn.. Once we got to the airfield in balota we saw some dead zombies and wondered wtf ? We got as far as the end of the airfield close to the military station with the deer towers and then Vanu_Anarknas was laying in a bush with ghilie suit, mp5 sd and nightvision and just shot us down. On that server the tags was showing so i saw that it was him. This was around 23.00 GMT +1
  2. critler


    Thing is that they had a chopper and hovered just above me with their lights pointing on me. And it was night if you didnt figure that out ? Can you tell me how a person can know exactly where we are on that big map ? We were 4 ppl on that server and we just happen to bump in to him in a bush ? Right
  3. critler


    I'm pretty new to this, but how do you get a screenshot on someone that kills you when your screen turns black when you die ?