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About ZombieShawn

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dallas, Tx
  • Interests
    Zombies, Filming, Script writing, Game design, Gaming, Skateboarding, Watching Movies, Listening to Music, Partying, Being Silly and, MORE...
  1. I hate the hackers. They are EVERYWHEREEEEE. I joined low pop server and was running through the forest when my character flashed and became naked (all my gear was gone. backpack and all). then I was killed by nothing. GGgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. So yes your right about what your seeing happen to the high pop servers but dont think their arent hackers on any other servers because they are EVERYWHEREEEEE
  2. ZombieShawn

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    Comb the edge of the map while also checking those spawns. I have found tons of vehicles.
  3. ZombieShawn

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    wait so it is released to 50 players but all severs run it now? or was it released to 50 players a while back for testing? confused. I just see that everyone has access to it now and every server is rocking the update. Where do we sign up to help test these updates before their release?
  4. ZombieShawn

    New Player Here!

    I just pick servers which I have low pings with. Get in where you can! (note a lot of servers now kick players with pings over 200)
  5. most servers have them all stashed somewhere by other players. I have been spending my time roaming the North border of the woods. So far I have found 1 fully geared and working ATV.
  6. That's not that many days. Bite the bullet and update... your missing so much.
  7. ZombieShawn

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Are we getting T-Shirts soon??? Do they look cool?? anyone know??
  8. Yeah who cares cuz half the people I take shots at just hit Abort...
  9. ZombieShawn

    Zombie aggro?

    I have found it very useful just to get on your stomach in citys/towns :P
  10. ZombieShawn


    lol. dude this happens to people all the time. start over
  11. ZombieShawn

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I can't see the pictures ! >.< wth...
  12. So far I have had a some what good experience. It sucked gearing up and looting a heli-crash site only to put on camo clothing and have my inventory cleared. I do agree with others who mention that zombies pull from a far distance. I will be across a field and if I dont lay on my belly some will just start running at me... Good side is I have gotten really good at losing the zombies but just getting out of their line of sight for 5-10seconds. Are vehicles rare or are some servers still empty with out them? Crowbars are very weak! Some spawns on the coast give me instant zombie aggro. -thats is all... for now :P In all i love this mod and I will play with the issues listed above all day lol.
  13. ZombieShawn

    Is streamsniping considered cheating?

    Hell no that can't be cheating. If those live streamers do not want to be stream sniped they simply don't need to stream dayZ.
  14. ZombieShawn

    1.7.2 Zombie behavior question

    I have had much success going through towns on my stomach. Takes awhile but I don't miss anything and 9 times out of 10 I don't pull any zombies either.
  15. ZombieShawn

    Looking for ppl to play with

    I am very much looking for the same described group of players. Please PM info. I have a good clear mic, I'm mature and wanting to work together to survive.