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About valion301@yahoo.com

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  1. valion301@yahoo.com

    Dayz.st server problem with Namalsk map:

    RESOLVED So evidently when we enabled Rmod on Chenarus, then flipped to Namalsk. That Rmod setting carried over in the server and it wouldn't jive with the Namalsk map. FIX: - Disable Rmod in Chenarus on your control panel. - Restart the server - Flip to Namalsk (or whatever map) - Restart - Enjoy!
  2. valion301@yahoo.com

    Dayz.st server problem with Namalsk map:

    I did, still waiting to hear back. The text in my post is actually a cut and paste of the email I sent. Just thought I'd try here as well incase anyone had any solutions. =)
  3. Hello, We run a dayz.st server. We have been trying to flip to the Namalsk map and are getting some errors, and no one is able to load into the map. We think the version of Namalsk on our server is out dated, but we are unsure and we wanted see if anyone has a fix. We can load the map successfully on the Dayz.st control panel. Its actually trying to connect from the Lobby in-game where we are having the error issues. We have uninstalled, and reinstalled Arma / Arma II OA / Dayz Commander / Dayz Mods. We've had six different people try and connect to the map when its loaded on our server. No one can get on it. Error received: 'You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.namalsk, ns.dayz, ns.modules' 'You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.rmod' No other maps seem to be having problems. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thank you.
  4. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Our new website is up! Oya! http://vode.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=303486
  5. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Hey! Get on our server, we're doing a last man standing compitition in Elektro ... join us for the meyham! :)
  6. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Evening folks ... just bumping us so we can draw in some more folks. We'd really enjoy some competative players. Hope to see you!
  7. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Hi folks. Come take a look at our server! New additions: - New vehicles placed - Solnichny Vehicle Warzone added - This is a hellzone area with vehicle spawns, zombines, and pure devistation. Try getting a vehicle out of here! :)
  8. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    We are now white listed. Please PM if you would like access. Orgainzed groups of 3 or more players preferred. Thanks, and we really hope to see you join us! =)
  9. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Happy Friday everyone! We'd love to see some great people visit us this weekend. Some recent updates... - New anti-hack is ready to roll. - New vehicles being spawned all over the coast lines and airfields - New maze at the NW airfield is being tested and touched up to make it better - New additions to Balota airfield - New additions to NW airfield - New additions to NE airfield - New random and hidden spawns placed around the map Come on in and join us, we'd really enjoy having about 20 new people who are regulars! =)
  10. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Just got a new maze put into the NW Airfield ... according to its creator, it is creepy as hell with awesome lootz inside. =)
  11. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    We are white listing the server to avoid hacker problems for any potiental visitors. 1. If you want access, you need to PM me on here. 2. Priority access goes to orgainized groups of mature NON-hacking players. 1stNRF is a good example of what I'm talking about. 3. ALL players allowed on the server will be under a careful watch for a period of time we feel is appropriate. If we see any questionable behavior, the entire group will be banned to avoid issues or drama. 4. Individuals wanting access should PM me and you will be taken on a case by case basis. All players who join our server understand they play as invited guests to this server. We as the owners and managers of the server retain the right to ban you with no reason at anytime. However, we are pretty laid back, non-anal people. We simply don't want to deal with hackers and want to build a solid community of competative players who enjoy our server. We welcome all who wish to play, but you need to be on our whitelist. Thanks.
  12. valion301@yahoo.com

    VODE Chenarus rMod Server now open! Looking for players to join

    Glad to have the 1stNRF aboard, hope you guys really enjoy the server. Great group of folks to chat with also! =)
  13. Server name: VODE-MOD - [Active Admins][Custom Vehicles/Choppers./Bases] - DayzChenarus Rmod - ( [Veteran][GMT-6] [VODE] www.DayZ.st - Website coming soon! JAN2013 WEBSITE: http://vode.guildlau...id=303486&sso=1 IP: Loc= Salt Lake City Server Diff= Veteran Map= Chenarus Slots= 50 TZ= ON 3DP= ON CH= ON NP= OFF DM= ON SC= ON PW= NO WL= YES - We turn the WL on and off to allow new players to join. You should register on our site for permenate access. Contact: Nightvain, Daxon, Colin (In-game) We'd like to welcome tactical units, bounty hunters, legit killers and survivors to the VODE rMOD Server. We've been working very hard at installing new custom bases, and doing some improvements to current map locations to create HIGH-IMPACT areas where we think there should be some epic battles and very high intensity sneak and creeps for gear spawns. Currently our server has the following for players to enjoy: - Enhanced compounds - Improved Airfields - Hidden Camo Nets - Hidden Spawns - Hidden Vehicles - Increased Sniper Towers - Current Map: Chenarus - Lingor or Nam map customizations in work, will flip maps sometime in February - Rare Helos w/ Door guns - Off Road Trucks with turrets - Vehicles with custom spawns inside ... some rare goodies added! - PBX Spawns on S. Coast - 2x C-130's - USS Tarawa - LHD9 - FOB Thunder (American) (In-work) - FOB Stalin (Russian) (In-work) - NW Airfield Maze - Solnichy Hellzone - Balota Airfield Upgrades - NE Airfield Upgrades - Care Packages enabled - Kill Messages enabled - Side Chat enabled - Helo/Tank/Car Wrecks enabled ... (Possible customized wrecks coming soon.) - Future additions in work or being considered, such as added uniforms/clothing, player buildable content, custom loading screens among some other things. We are mature, professional, friendly and laid back admin's who are looking for other Clans or Tactical Units to join our server and make it interesting. - Hackers will be banned no questions asked - Rollback possible for various problems or gear replacement if needed - Server resets ever 6 hours - Server backups done automatically - Day / Night cycles are active - Website coming soon! - Server donations will get epic rewards - Server contests being planned - Server contest rewards - Bounty Hunting System - Map swaps between Chenarus, Lingor (and possibly others) with customized areas & spawns every 30-45 days - Special requests from orgainized groups who are regulars will be taken - Role Play welcome / Written Server Stories with (YOU!) as characters will be done monthly __________________________________________________________________ NOTE: At the moment rMod is required on your client side to be able to play on our server unfortunatly. We are seeking work arounds but will be happy to help someone get rMod put into your Arma II OA folder, its a very easy process that takes about 2 min's and a line of text to be put into DayZ Commander. Here is a link on rMod: http://www.tunngle.n...rivate-servers/ INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION: Step 1: Go to "Original Download" in big blue letters half way down that webpage, download the link. Step 2: Extract the @rMod folder Step 3: Put the @rMod into your "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" folder, (provided you got the game from Steam.) Step 4: You can close the folder. Step 5: Open Dayz Commander ... Click "Settings" Step 6: Put this into the "Additional Launch Parameters" text line: -mod=@dayz;@rMod Step 7: Launch Dayz and have "VODE" put into your server filter Step 8: Play - Kill - Survive! :) Easy day! Note: Installing this in your folder will NOT hinder you playing on other servers. __________________________________________________________________ More to come ... We hope to see you on our server, we are making small updates almost every day right now with new content.