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Posts posted by hypnomatic

  1. You do know that 'where art thou' is a misquote?

    Regardless' date=' the original never meant anything like 'where are you', but actually 'why are you'.

    Just clarifying so you don't make yourselves look dumb on any forum that might have a majority of intelligent people.


    If you really want to be pedantic, he was right. The original quote is "Wherefore art thou...", with "Wherefore" being synonymous with "Why". "Where are thou..." Is a misquote, but is correct in the context he's using it.

    Just clarifying so you don't make yourselves look dumb on any forum that might have a majority of intelligent people.*

    Anyway, Supermarkets are where I've seen the two I've found so far. They spawn at military loot piles and Chopper loot piles too, but those are less safe.

    *(Sorry, obligated to add that in)
