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About kevv87

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  1. kevv87


    True, it just needs to be a little more fun to go inland. Crashes, bases, camps it doesnt really matter much as long as the players get of the coast. Its getting kinda boring now.
  2. kevv87


    I would like to see some helicrashes like in the mod for example. It would force people more to get off the coast and explore inland. Just for a placeholder untill something else like camps are being implemented. I personally think its getting boring with all the dudes on the coast. I Miss the feeling when going inland that you have to scan the area first before you cross an open field. You won't meet anyone inland now. What do you guys think?
  3. kevv87

    World to small?

    You missed a "p" in the word peole. It should be "people".
  4. kevv87

    Poisoning food with berrys and a syringe

    Take my beans, spit them out and eat them again!
  5. kevv87

    Some Random Thoughts About SA

    Nice idea turning Balota in a civ airbase. I also would love to see some small military camp locations in random forrests. Like a few tents wich can be lootable, few corpses and maybe a campfire. You get the idea. :)
  6. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    Yeah I know, I can dream the map aswell. But for some players (me included) it would be nice I think to get your map full. See it as a sort of objective. Just like getting the best gear. Something to work for. :-) Thanks for your opinion though! Didn't know about the option to place markers. I'll try it out later.
  7. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    No, that's not implemented yet. I mean you start with an empty paper, and as you go through the map it will begin to sketch the map, only within a let's say 50m around your player.
  8. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    Thank you for your reply! Like you said, you wouldn't use it. Then you don't have to use it. People that want to use it can use it. Just a matter of finding a pen and a piece of paper. And as for the map itself, it could become more unclear after a time, so that a 3 week old character needs to walk that route again to keep it up to date. I also like your idea of sharing the map with another player, that would be interesting indeed. As for the grammar, I'm Dutch :-)
  9. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    Bump. I really need your idea's on this.
  10. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    Lol congrats on your 200th post. It will be like you'll find a piece of paper and a pen. And then it will be automatically updated in your inventory. (Drawing style) but you will need to equip the map to actually see it. Like it is now.
  11. kevv87

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    Nice one! I made a new topic of this idea!
  12. kevv87

    Suggestion about maps

    Hello forum/devs. In addition to the thread KoS placed i have an idea of having an empty map that will fill in as you will travel through the map. It will make an objective (fill your map) plus its like real life (if you've been somewhere you will know your way around). It would also be possible to see where people have been once you stole they're map. I think it will add an interesting form of gameplay. Feel free to post more suggestions and excuse me for my english.
  13. kevv87

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    Exactly what i was thinking. Plus it makes people traverse through the map instead of staying on the beach. I know you could easily get acces to the whole map through dayzdb, but from my personal experience i want to have the complete map in my inventory. Think of it as having the best gear in the game.
  14. kevv87

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    Maybe they need to add an empty map, and then you can make the map more visible as you travel through the map. It will add an objective (completing the map) plus its like real life (when you've been somewhere you will find your way around). Sorry for my Englisch.
  15. kevv87

    Weather and Survival

    You could find a raincover for your backpack?