Hello all my name is Qwerty2jam, Myself and some comrades are beginning a DayZ video series. This series encompasses many characters in several stories of varying natures. This project requires a large amount of varying voices and preferably some experienced voice actors to bring extra depth and quality to the series. This post is put up as a call to arms for anyone that wishes to voice act a character. Spots are limited but more will open up as the series progresses, if you are interested in trying out for available character please PM me. Please not that you will NOT necessarily get the role you want, we are looking for the best voices to suit the characters and trying out does not confirm you a spot. The script for the first episode is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WZiyZwljp6aSTq8xZLi-d68UrnNDA5WpoBzwJL2KLEU/edit?pli=1#heading=h.88xjxpvjewis The available characters are Theodore, Alex and Rob. Hoping to uncover some great talent and am looking forward to bringing this series to the community. Regards, Qwerty2jam