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About Frostbite545

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Frostbite545

    Adding DayZ mod to PS3

    if xbox can play farcry 3 and hitman absolution and bo2 tranzit it can play dayz
  2. Frostbite545

    Adding DayZ mod to PS3

    But... you had to buy arma and the packs as dayz in april will stand for itself no packs best if we see this one through
  3. Frostbite545

    Adding DayZ mod to PS3

    I'd like to see DayZ in Ps3 and xbox as it will be more fun and they can make more money to improve i want to be a xbox player that shouts at people saying "Give me your stuff" or " IM GONNA CHOP YOUR LEGS OFF AND EAT THEM" on dayz for consoles rockett should give it a whurl hell i buy 10 dayz for consoles if they do it. :thumbsup: :D :beans: