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About Panicikillu247

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  1. Panicikillu247

    Looking for teamates

    I am looking for teamates to play with me on dayz epoch, if interested add me on skype: ryanhoard. If you are interested but dont know what epoch is and or how to get it, add me and ,i'll show you the ropes.
  2. Panicikillu247

    Looking for a partner

    ryanhoard add me on skype
  3. Panicikillu247

    Finding group or making a group

  4. Panicikillu247

    Team up anyone?

    i added u on skype
  5. Panicikillu247

    Anyone wanna play on Namalsk?

    Im looking for someone to play with, on a namalsk server, and if any are interested add me on skype: ryanhoard. Im a moderately experienced player and an ok shot, but no matter i will always have yo back.
  6. Panicikillu247

    Looking for people to play with

    I do.
  7. I'm looking for a few people to play with. If interested then add me. Skype: ryanhoard, Steam: panicikillyou247
  8. Panicikillu247

    Looking for people to play with

    added you on skype.
  9. Panicikillu247

    Looking for people to play with

    added on skype
  10. Panicikillu247

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

  11. Panicikillu247

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

    Thanks, it says im above the minimum requirements so about halfaway between minimum and recomended so i think it will work:)
  12. Panicikillu247

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

  13. Panicikillu247

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

  14. Panicikillu247

    Can I Run Arma2 and Dayz?

    I have an: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2.01 GHz, 2Gb of Ram, and my graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce 8600GT, I have windows xp service pack 2, 392 Gb of free hard disk space, Can i run Arma2 and Dayz alright with these specs?