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Everything posted by psycho84

  1. psycho84

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    Just so people are aware, Zombie spawns are triggerd by the players proximity to buildings. The Building type is what dictates the zombie spawn amount. Also afaik, Zombies are client side, being spawned by the first player to enter the spawn zone around a building.
  2. They love World of Tanks too. They set records for max concurrent connections to a single shard all the time.
  3. He asked for help, not demanded it. You fail at the internet.
  4. psycho84

    Welp game sucks now

    Actually yes it is so fucking hard. However' date=' if he is getting over 300ms to US servers then something is wrong on his end. Most seem to only kick for over that mark. Unless the new crop of servers are setting it low using the 'high pings lag the server falacy' to justify it. [/quote'] From what i understand high ping players jump all over everyone's screen making them virtually impossible to kill. That's borderline cheating. Well, ping and desync are two different things. Desync is like packet loss and yes that will make the player warp all over the place.
  5. psycho84

    Welp game sucks now

    Actually yes it is so fucking hard. However, if he is getting over 300ms to US servers then something is wrong on his end. Most seem to only kick for over that mark. Unless the new crop of servers are setting it low using the 'high pings lag the server falacy' to justify it.
  6. psycho84

    Kneecapping newbies

    You misread that, seemingly on purpose. What he obviously means is players = the most dangerous game. Player move differently to zeds, can take cover, react in totally unexpected ways etc etc. Even shooting unarmed players is actually a wise move. Helps you get you eye in. Its also arguably a dickmove, but its not without its purpose. mmm, nah. There isn't anything dangerous about an oblivious enemy, AI or Human. Calling them "the most dangerous game" is just another one of those lines on the list of ways to justify actions. It's cool, everyone justifies their actions. "It was target practice, hunting the most dangerous game." Case in point. You wanna use the term "most dangerous game" in this mod then go look for it, it ain't guy on the beach with torches or people being chansed by zombies lol. Hardcore my arse :P ZOMGCAREBEAR
  7. psycho84

    Beans and your greedy ass

    A lot of gamers get off on destroying the progress of other players. The more you have the more they get personal satisfaction out of destroying. Loot or not doesn't matter. I played competative sports for half my life so I don't really fit in with that crowd. I think I've got a more cooperate and outplay mentality. Worst death penalty is simply being outplayed.
  8. This is an extension of an idea Rocket himself eluded to: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7740&pid=74874#pid74874 It's a nice consequence to simply shooting someone for their gear instead of exploring other ways to get what you want off them. Robbery' date=' pickpocketing, trading will all become much more attractive in balance to murder. However, I would go one step further and tie the chance of some of your targets gear being destroyed to the grade/caliber of weapon used. Something like this: Shoot someone with a crossbow = no chance any of their gear is destroyed (beware any man with a crossbow :D ) Shoot someone with a Makerov = low chance some of their gear is destroyed Shoot someone with a AK = medium chance some of their gear is destroyed Shoot someone with a CZ 550 = high chance some of their gear is destroyed Shoot someone with a M107 = very high chance some of their gear is destroyed Given that the higher grade/caliber weapons are the best for killing players it makes sence from a mechanic, authenticity, and realism perspective that they carry a higher consequence of use. Much like their sound levels and zombie agro'ness consequence (not including rare SD's though I guess) [i']NOTE: This ides WILL NOT work unless survival is made tougher for everyone. That means lower food/drink spawn rates and like Rocket suggested, spawning without a weapon or gear. Even a kitted out bandit needs to be concerned about their survival for this to work! The additional benefit to such a mechanic (with the increased survival dificulty) is that anyone that still chooses to kill everyone is now a certified badass. Why? Because in a world that is super harsh, with limited supplies, they STILL shot you knowing full well they might destroy that nice weapon you are carrying and rupture all those tasty cans of beans and coke in your backpack! Pro's: -Incentives for non-murder based banditry -Encourages more player interaction -Consequences for shoot-on-sight gameplay -Highlights true bandit badasses Con's: -Requires general survival dificulty increase through loot spawn reduction -Robbery and pickpocketing might be suseptible to Alt-F4 (although Rocket is onto that) Lastly, this idea is based on authenticity, not straight realism. Yes shooting someone in the head wouldn't destroy their gun in real life, but that misses the point. This is a game mechanic intended to be a catalyst for authentic social interaction!
  9. psycho84

    Survival - Let's Turn this B#$%h up to 11

    I like it, been wanting survival to get harder for a while.
  10. psycho84

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    Growing food is pretty damn spot on for a post apocalyptic setting. So is herding animals but, ugh, AI. And it doesn't have to take a realistic time to grow, nothing in the game takes a realistic amount of time except for the day night cycle. Make it take like 3-4 hours or something.
  11. Yeah durability is a good mechanic in sandbox games. Definitely deserves it's own discussion. Not sure how hard it would be to code as the Hive would all of a sudden need to keep track of a billion pieces of gear.
  12. psycho84

    Global and Side chat not available?

    No one will be able to talk in Global once the new patch it out. It forces you to use the ArmA Beta patch. Prepare to get ronery :)
  13. psycho84

    What's the point in trying?

    OP pwned quite a lot of people here :) A+
  14. Dude... seriously. Atleast read the whole idea before replying. You ARE going to think about killing someone if your water and food are flashing red, I guarentee it!
  15. Rocket posted this a short time ago. It highlights that realism is not the goal of the mod but fostering authentic emotions is. It's a very important distinction I think.
  16. seriously? Have you seen any kind of news since you were born? Faction, tribal, religious, extremist, ideological or just fucking crazy groups fighting each other IS NOT THE SAME as random person 1 shooting random person 2 for NO REASON. That, thankfully, is rare :)
  17. Please, point out where this idea favours survivors over bandits. No go ahead. Maybe if you think 'Bandit=ShootAllTheThings' I could understand. Heaven forbid we add more then 1 dimension to the game oh lordy no!
  18. Yeah the location damage element would be awesome! At the very least your forcing interaction to be closer as sniping from range will carry high gear destruction consequence. It also makes good bandits shine and bad bandits fail. However, as with most current features in the game, how would everyone feel if initially it was kept super simple. If you are shot, there is a 25% chance an item in your backpack gets destroyed. Yes yes I know it would be silly to get shot in the legs and a backpack item gets destroyed but I'm just thinking about the poor coders here :P To be honest it might be best to just try the idea in a simple way before spending time making it more complex (like temperature/infection). What do you guys think? Bahahaha OMG DUDE, YOU'RE LEAKING PASTA SAUCE AND PEPSI!!!