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About Jaawdan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/986/3f3/1ba/resized/lizard-meme-generator-hehehe-55ec47.jpg
  2. Jaawdan

    A good server that needs some people!!

    Just checked it out! It had like 20 people on but yea it definitely wants more people. I'm Jaawdan ingame!
  3. So i found this great server, but (as in the title) it needs more players! ATM it has average 10-20 people on but there needs to be more! :D The server has autorefuel, you can strip vehicles of their parts, and the map is customized. They added bridges, military spawns, and added buildings to areas. The gameplay is crystal clear and its a pretty quick load in. The server is ran by the clan called, "Beck's Privateers". It's a survival clan, the admin of the server is also the leader of the clan. Don't worry though, he doesn't abuse his powers for his friends or anything like that. It's a fair environment. There is a server teamspeak too, with the rule,"You can not kill or bandit anyone in the same teamspeak as you. (No switching out of the channel to kill too)" You will instantly get some allies when you join the teamspeak! :D To find the server just filter for, "Beck". Or go to www.becks-privateers.com. It has their server and teamspeak. Hope to see you all too! :D
  4. Maybe if you keep bumping it, it'll work :o
  5. Jaawdan

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    If the players like it, then they can advertise the server so we can get more. ^_^ But i havn't seen anyone say they didn't want to advertise it, its great just needs more people, atm we have like 10 on usually
  6. Also needs more explosions - Micheal Bay
  7. Name: Jordan( JOR-duhn ) Age: 16 (16 years, 1 month, 8 days) In-Game Name: Jaawdan (Pronouced like Jaw-dan, just emphasize the a) Location: 'Murica City (38.4219* N, 77.4086* W) Kind of Player: Passive Aggressive Professional Experience: MLG (3.4 KDR), I've been Kingpin of a server, big deal, a year or less. Job: Young Ballah at the Intellectual Academic Learning of 'Murica for the citizens of 'Murica City. Interest: I wonna be, the very best, that no one ever was. I am with BP, with Beck and all them. ^_^ I like the faction idea btw, was top dog in faction stuff too.
  8. Jaawdan

    [BP] Beck's Privateers [New] [Recruiting]

    In Game Name: Jaawdan Position: Hatcheteer (OP) Experience: God, Dictator, Serial Killer, Druglord, El Diablo, etc.. (I'm a big deal) Microphone: Yes Teamspeak: Yes